Colour Therapy


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How can you tell if it's the description or the picture that's accurate when the two don't seem to match?????
Does make it hard to know if you are getting the one you want if they don't give them an accurate name.
As if the Q colour logic is not confusing enough they name a garment like a gem!

They clearly gave the work experience person both the gems and the clothes to put in descriptions for. :mysmilie_10:

I'm now waiting for the gem in lime/aqua :mysmilie_13:
So this has to be one of the daftest colour descriptions even by QVC standards:

The green option is currently called "simulated clear diamond / rose gold" I wonder how long it will take them to change it?

Is there no one proof-reading stuff before it's uploaded live on their website? Why am I even asking this!

What a shambles!

they wont change it if its like normal but i love that colourway on the top

It has been changed!

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