Click Free - any good??


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I am very computer literate. I have to be as I wouldn't be able to do my job otherwise. I also don't consider myself to be lazy either.

I'm putting highly confidential medical information into documents and there are very specific guidelines about how medical records are stored. I bought a Clickfree because I considered it would be a less time consuming way of doing my daily backup, which was a real chore previously.

As there is plenty of free and easy to use backup software why go for the Clickfree option?

I can understand someone that is not that computer literate wanting it as it's like an all in one back up solution and they can just follow the instructions but as you know your computers why pay the large price premium? :confused:
The reviews seem to slate it because of the time it takes to back up, its the presenters and QVC's fault as they have already run the backup before so when they show the demo its only backing up new files, very very misleading

It always takes ages to do the initial backup depending on how much data you have, when i use my clickfree now it takes around 5-10 mins each time, first time took about 2 hours
The reviews seem to slate it because of the time it takes to back up, its the presenters and QVC's fault as they have already run the backup before so when they show the demo its only backing up new files, very very misleading

It always takes ages to do the initial backup depending on how much data you have, when i use my clickfree now it takes around 5-10 mins each time, first time took about 2 hours

You're right .It's the presenters fault.That bloke Lee..literally whizzes though everything with his " go have a cup of coffee and it's done business" Unless you pay very close attention ,you're liable to miss a few key things that he say or touches on.As I've said before QVC ouight to allow people to phone in on air,to ask relevant questions regarding the products.
I have no problem at all with technology but lots of people do to one degree or another and QVC don't seem interested in REALLY explaining how things work... with products that might need a bit more explanation.|YEah they give a 30 day money back blah blah blah..but still with some products it might be helpful to potential customers to be able to ring up,and ask questions.
I have just arranged to send mine back to QVC, I'm waiting for a return label, and have requested refund of my original postage.

It seems that the software was faulty, and you have to download an update, which can take hours, or doesn't work at all.

Even if you manage to update the software, the Clickfree will still not work.

From the reviews, it has worked for 12 people, all the others (19 pages of reviews) it wouldn't work.

As many said, the item was faulty as shipped, and obviously hadn't been tested,

QVC told me they were aware of all the problems, and suggested a technical helpline, but if it doesn't work out of the box, I'm not interested. Lots of reviews said it had crashed their PC's and I won't risk this.
I found an unused returrn label so have sent it back today with the following letter as it wouldn't do anything at al on my XP PC

Dear Sirs

Return of FAULTY Clickfree C6 backup disk

Item Number: 565363 Order Number: xxxxxxxxxxxxx Membership xxxxxxxx

This item was delivered while I was away for a week’s holiday so I have only just tried it.

IT IS FAULTY. When I connected it, I got the message:

“The USB device attached to this computer has malfunctioned and Windows does not recognise it. Try reconnecting the device. If Windows still does not recognise it, replace the device”.

I tried reconnecting it a number of times, but it made no difference.

I have also looked at the reviews on your website. At the time, there were 19 PAGES of them, and they were nearly all bad reviews. Many reported the same problem as myself, or else they were told to load updated software (which took hours and often failed to load) and even if the software was updated, it still would not work and in many cases caused the PC to crash!

The item and reviews are no longer shown on the website.

Many people spent hours or even days trying to get the item to work, before returning it.

Please refund the full cost of this item and cancel any future payments on “Easypay”, and also refund the £4-95 postage I paid with my order.

Yours faithfully
How does the starting point of download occur. Do you have to set the starting point yourself or does it download everything independently. Ours is a 500 C6 easy imaging.
I don't really understand the question, but would like to know how you get on with it and whether it works.

Wouldn't load, going back, two days wasted!

Wanted to know if you selected files, photos etc. yourself or whether it automatically found them itself.

Ah well ............
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Everything is automatic, but you have the option to include or exclude files and folders if you want to. But mine would do nothing, it wasn't even recognised by my PC.
Looks like there must be a faulty batch of them about as the other ClickFree devices seem to be ok.

Just get an external hard drive and software like Cobian - does the same job, just cheaper
My other Clickfrees are worth the extra cost just for the ease of use and convenience, but I've now learned from this thread about the "Clickfree Transformer" so will look into this in conjunction with a hard drive.
More woe, computer crashed and can't start it, anybody help me, do I have to remove any click free info the comp recognises? :confused: Q sending pre paid sticker, they should comment on this prob next time Lee is on, it will be bad form if they don't. Thanks in antic.
Many of the 19 pages of reviews said that it caused computer crashes, and what they had to do to recover, but the item and all the reviews have been removed.

I'm glad now that mine did absolutely nothing, so never got as far as causing a crash.

QVC should be able to give you the Clickfree helpline to talk you through what to do to restart your PC.
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I'm sending mine back - it's awful but can't remove my files :( I've tried a master reset and remove computer and followed all instructions but it keeps "failing". QVC suggested I send it back with a "little note" explaining that my personal files need removing - hmmmm - maybe not eh?! Otherwise, they gave me a chargeable number to get support and I'm not willing to throw anymore money at this lump of expensive rubbish! Not sure what I'm going to do now :(

In addition, I must say that my mum and auntie have had previous clickfree models and got on great with them - it's just this one that seems to be duff!

Em xXx
I've e-m CF direct today requesting a step-by-step to fix my sis crashed comp. Explained from Q, I'm sure they know by now the headaches caused and returns to expect! Paying for a helpline is a cheek.
I saw this demonstrated lots of times last year and thought I should get one. Didn't do any back-ups before so worried about what would happen if the computer should die.

Well, needless to say, a few weeks ago the computer did just that. Despite my IT friend doing everything he could, he just couldn't save it and said the best thing would be to wipe it and start again.

I had the back up and am pleased to say that photos, documents, videos etc have all been saved. The only thing that didn't seem to work were the emails - shame, but luckily nothing important lost.

I'm delighted with it and it was £100 well spent. Yes, I understand there are cheaper ways to do it, but this is so easy and as I long as I remember to back it up regularly, I don't have to worry about it.

Hope all theirs with a problem with the latest version get it sorted.
I've e-m CF direct today requesting a step-by-step to fix my sis crashed comp. Explained from Q, I'm sure they know by now the headaches caused and returns to expect! Paying for a helpline is a cheek.

CF has a FREEPHONE customer support number on their website (I am pretty sure that 0808 is free). They are open on Saturday. I rang them myself once, I think this number transfers you to their CS in Canada but is still free.

See - - -

In fact, if you look at their opening times (10am to 4am in the UK) this corresponds to their Canadian opening hours.
paid out for acronis rue image and it failed spectacularly when I needed it.

Hi Vampyre. Can I ask what happened with your Acronis? I use it too and would be devastated if it didn't work. I lost everything from a computer a few years ago and am now paranoid about doing backups. I have Acronis, the old Polaroid Clickfree and a 320gb Clickfree. The hard drive I use for Acronis can only cope with one full backup now so I was going to have to buy another one. When I saw the demonstration for the TSV recently I "jumped to the phone" as I thought it would be much easier to use it rather than Acronis and it would give me the same result. I haven't tried it yet (fortunately it seems) as I have a new computer and want to find out a bit more about Windows 7 before I start transferring stuff to it. When I saw this thread I didn't want to read any negative comments as I have had no problems with the one I have. Last night however I had nothing else to do, had read most of the other threads so had a look at this one. Thank goodness I did - mine will be going straight back. I hope everyone with problems manages to get their computers up and running again soon.

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