Claire sutton


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We have said this about Claire for a while now, that she talks in that silly voice and also talks over the Guests and that she doesn`t seem to let them get a word in, but at the end of the day if she was no good, she would not still be working there.

I can`t bear her either by the way !!!!!
I get the impression that QVC gives presenters a free reign, provided they can generate adequate sales figures. ;)
Another fan here too! And Choppysocks: she may not use that voice when she's having a barney with her husband, but she probably does use it when she's talking to her children, one of which has Down's Syndrome (found this out in the blurb about her on the presenters info on the QVC site).

Oh, and Choppysocks, I'm honestly not making a cheap shot guilt trip point on you there, just genuinely making a case for her. Regardless, I guess I just like Claire!:)

No offense taken, I'm not dissing her as a mum, just as a presenter.
I like her as a person - Im sure shes lovely...


I dont like her baby-like talk and attitude during the shows...
Cant bare it for too long, before i have to switch over.....

Saying that, shes not my worst... :rolleyes:

Jill Franks is the one i really dont like.............. :mad:
I'm with Choppy and Mikey on this - can't bear the baby waby talk and switch off. Also agree with Mikey about Jill Franks, hate her presenting style.
I think Claire's lovely too, I'm another fan!

My daughter and I met her a few years ago at the Ideal Home Show in London (when QVC were there, which unfortunately they're not any more). She was with Julia Roberts and Liz Earle and we spoke to them when we came out of a Liz Earle live show there.

Claire was sooo nice, she was chatting away to us and made a comment about liking my daughter's jacket and spoke in exactly the same way as she does on QVC. I found her so friendly and almost felt like I knew her. Julia had a kind of 'presence' about her, still chatty but a little bit reserved at the same time. Julia was absolutely caked in foundation :eek: whereas Claire looked fresh and pretty as she does on QVC. Liz was quiet but friendly, just the same as she is usually, too. She too had quite a bit of foundation on.

I LOVE Claire's hair, it's so thick and wavy. Mine tends to be fine and floppy. :rolleyes:
QVC must give presenters a free rein virtually, who on earth would set out to purposely to inflict the presenting styles seen no where else on tv?
I'm with Choppy and Mikey on this - can't bear the baby waby talk and switch off. Also agree with Mikey about Jill Franks, hate her presenting style.

I agree! Saw a bit of Ms Sutton on a repeat of KVZ this AM and had to turn off with her baby talk, and nonsense about how £81 handbags were so affordable you could get a couple.
Ms Sutton is somewhat simpering but I never find her quite so patronising and thoroughly annoying as Ms CHuntley - now she really presses my buttons!!! :furious:
Ms CHuntley - now she really presses my buttons!!! :furious:

Thank Fook she's been absent for a while............................................................................................................................................................................................

long may it last :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Thank Fook she's been absent for a while............................................................................................................................................................................................

long may it last :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

Sadly she's on right now - complete with bizarre ponytail hairpiece and her annoying sssibilance... :mad::mad::mad:


Main Entry: chun·ter
Pronunciation: \ˈchən-tər\
Function: intransitive verb
Etymology: probably of imitative origin
Date: 1599
British : to talk in a low inarticulate way

I rest my case........................................

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