Chuntley's 'faux' tan disaster!!!


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Jul 11, 2009
OH dear, oh dear Chuntley - you have messed up! Certainly not a good promotion for QVC's fake tanning products - no doubt she had used one of them! It was in today's TSV launch. She said that she had done her daughter first (who knows what she looks like with it on?) and she had done herself afterwards. She then quickly added that it had been first thing this morning before 3 cups of coffee so that's why she had messed it up. This however is obviously not true as she kept saying during the 2 hour show 'Oh dear I'm getting darker' or words to that effect - and she was, right infront of our eyes! There's no way that if she had applied first thing in the morning before her 3 coffees that it would still be developing between 12 and 2 a.m. By her own admission she looked like she'd been tangoed! Her knuckles were orange and there were visible white lines between her fingers.

This is not a have a go at Chuntley thread (although I don't really like her as a presenter). Her producer had obviously told her to lie through her earpiece to make herself look incompetent regarding the morning coffees rather than have people think that QVC 'faux' tans are naff! I have to say that I've tried several brands over time as I am v v pale and have had it done 3 times at 3 v good salons and I always end up messing it up somewhere on myself or there's something wrong with some part of me after being done at a salon.

Oh the perils of fake tan - why don't those of us who are pale and won't go wrinkly like the sunworshipping Julia Roberts amongst us accept being pale rather than looking like we've been tangoed!!!???

Poor Chuntley, she did take it all in good humour but she definitely has been tangoed!
I liked the way that Catherine dealt with the tan trouble, my self tanning experiences have always been a disaster too and it was rather nice seeing someone having the same problem and laughing at it. Too many airbrushed people on screen already for my liking.
I didn't see the launch nor her fake tan faux pas.

i do use the moisturisers with tan in them - and on my part its been trial and error what one suits me best.Now I've found that,it works really well and have had postive comments about it.

One night I just could not be bothered to scrub my hands - didn't think it would make that much difference and TBH,I was too tired to care.

The next morning my hands were orange and it had "collected" between my fingers and around my wrists.

Note to CH - if you had just washed your hands after applying - it may have not been that bad!!
I've never been able to get on with fake tan - either the smell puts me off or I end up looking like a streaked orange. I've learned to make peace with my Nicole Kidman like complexion as a result :up:
I remember the heady days of the late sixties and early seventies when fake tan was in an aerosol can. We sued to spray our legs and arms before going out dancing. Only problem was if it rained the tan ran. We ended up looking like orange zebras. Hillarious now but at the time it was devastating. Oh happy days.
fake tan - either the smell puts me off
Yes I know what you mean, I can always sniff out a fake tan on somebody, they stink. :puke: At least Chuntley can laugh at herself, I can't imagine JR or AK (aka ol leatherchops) being so self-deprecating.
We've all done it, the only one I am safe with is Ecco Tan, for some reason it always comes out OK, and creams are the kiss of death for me.
I've given up on fake tan they all make me look like an oompa loompa:mysmilie_546:

and they always go horribly wrong on my hands, I know everyone says wash your hands but having brown arms that suddenly turn white at the wrist looks equally as bad IMO :smirk:
I didn't see her either, but good to hear that we're not the only ones to struggle with getting self tan on perfectly.

The only self tan I liked on QVC was by Elemis and they stopped selling it. Bought some again recently and it's good, but it does have a bit of fake whiff to it. Going to try one by Green People next.
St. Tropez do a self-tan that claims not to have that awful smell. And it really doesn't! I used it all last summer, face and body, and was delighted. It's clear, not that green/brown sludge colour.

I use latex gloves to apply. At the end, I take off one glove and apply self-tan to the bare hand. Then I take the last glove off, put some product on the hand and use the back of the glove to rub it in. The one problem is a slight whiff of latex on the hands, but it desn't hang round for long.
had many disasters with fake tan lol especially the cheap ones when they wear off they come off in patches!not a good look.I just hate being white
I use xen tan now as its the darkest/least orange one i have found but you still smell when its developing

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