Christmas in July TSV 23/07/21


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I really don’t get this. I refuse to even think about Christmas till it’s December.
I must admit I take advantage of any offers I see during the year and also any genuine sales and buy items to put away until Christmas. I don`t set out to deliberately look for Christmas gifts but if something catches my eye and it`s a great price and is suitable for whoever I have in mind, then I`ll get it but NEVER EVER from Q. They sell nothing but overpriced tat in my opinion.
Its just another marketing ploy, and all the same old beauty products for 'gifts', plus they'll dust off the veritable range of fairy lights and other battery driven rubbish that can be hung or 'placed'. Not forgetting Abbi Horne doing her bit on the self lit /self collapsing / through the roof xmas trees - oh, and then there's Alison Corkscrew (we're the screwed), flogging her load of 'just received from China' Christmas tat for an exorbitant amount of money.
I've experimented with getting xmas done and dusted months in advance, but all it meant was not being able to move around the place for boxes and bits n' bobs for months instead of the usual few weeks, so Christmas in July can do one! I can't even be arsed to make the most of all these bargainous boxes of Christmas cards and wrapping paper that shops sell from Boxing day onwards. As far as I'm concerned once Christmas is over - Move along, nothing to see! As sensible as it sounds, that sort of thing's pretty cheap anyway, and I tend to have a bit left over anyway.
I've experimented with getting xmas done and dusted months in advance, but all it meant was not being able to move around the place for boxes and bits n' bobs for months instead of the usual few weeks, so Christmas in July can do one! I can't even be arsed to make the most of all these bargainous boxes of Christmas cards and wrapping paper that shops sell from Boxing day onwards. As far as I'm concerned once Christmas is over - Move along, nothing to see! As sensible as it sounds, that sort of thing's pretty cheap anyway, and I tend to have a bit left over anyway.
Oh no I can`t be bothered buying cards and wrapping paper months in advance either. As you say it`s cheap enough anyway. I send very few cards by mail and prefer to do a charity donation instead of paying for postage. I do give cards to those people I see face to face though.
Things I may buy earlier throughout the year are mainly items I know my 3 sons and their partners will like. I know their tastes very well and I don`t buy for hubby or friends so it`s just my 3 sons and their partners plus mine and Mr V`s grandkids but we always ask their parents what to get for them.
I don`t spend a fortune on any of them but I do like to get each of them something nice.
I sometimes buy gifts early but to be honest I like the whole run up to Christmas from the start of December. I like picking out my cards and wrapping paper and deciding what to buy people, decorating the house and reading Delia's countdown to Christmas. It's not the same in Summer.

I'll admit to being the same - buying stuff throughout the year for the present drawer, then sorting it out during December.
Now, with parents gone, nieces and nephews have families of their own, and friends deciding 'not to exchange presents anymore', I'm left with around half a dozen presents to buy.

That's the thing with living on your own, Christmas is an event to 'get through' and having less presents each year to open just makes it worse. I never made a thing with my friends about it, but they do have kids/husbands, and grandkids to get prezzies from, but I wish they'd think what its like for us singles on Christmas morning who spend years opening a few gifts with just the tele for company. Not writing this for sympathy, but sadly is the reality for thousands of us.
I'll admit to being the same - buying stuff throughout the year for the present drawer, then sorting it out during December.
Now, with parents gone, nieces and nephews have families of their own, and friends deciding 'not to exchange presents anymore', I'm left with around half a dozen presents to buy.

That's the thing with living on your own, Christmas is an event to 'get through' and having less presents each year to open just makes it worse. I never made a thing with my friends about it, but they do have kids/husbands, and grandkids to get prezzies from, but I wish they'd think what its like for us singles on Christmas morning who spend years opening a few gifts with just the tele for company. Not writing this for sympathy, but sadly is the reality for thousands of us.
With you on that Brissles, wondering if all these travel restrictions will allow those who want get away to go ahead.Last years trip for me is still a booking but that is all.Maybe a case of knuckling down and getting through again!
I spent many Christmasses alone and I had a family to go to but they never invited me :rolleyes:. I wasn't that bothered but it is nice just to get a card through the post or someone buying you a little something to open. It must be horrible to be truly alone and not get a single thing or even a phone call.

Yes, Christmas 'lunch' doesn't happen as a single, of course there are meals for one, and I know some do try to make an occasion of it, but I find it a bit pointless, and I think last year I had a late breakfast brunch of bacon and egg sandwich after walking the dog ! I just don't let myself think about what's going on in family households across the country on that day.
We all know that people are alone at Christmas and other times of the year but its very sad to actually read how lonely this time of the year can be for many. Loneliness is an odd thing. I have Three daughters and soon to be 5 Grandchildren. I live alone but my daughters are quite close by one lives round the corner. I still get lonely though. sounds odd dosen't it!. Everyone has their lives to lead I suppose.
We all know that people are alone at Christmas and other times of the year but its very sad to actually read how lonely this time of the year can be for many. Loneliness is an odd thing. I have Three daughters and soon to be 5 Grandchildren. I live alone but my daughters are quite close by one lives round the corner. I still get lonely though. sounds odd dosen't it!. Everyone has their lives to lead I suppose.
Boggy that makes complete sense.

I’m single and live alone. I’m lucky enough to have my brother and sister within 2 or 3 miles from me and we get on well. They both have families of their adult children and increasing number of grandchildren who I also see a few times a year (COVID excepted).

I’m automatically included in most of their social events but my offers to “help” with arrangements, taking food or wine etc are refused so I don’t feel like part of it, more a guest.

I’ve never succeeded in arranging a social occasion with them (meal out, bbq etc).

I’ve always been a bit of a loner so this arrangement is usually sufficient for me. I also have fab neighbours.

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