A quick google (other search engines are available) shows the company themselves (if you read the delivery bit, they say 'we deliver our own furniture') selling the same set as IW for the same price, £499.99.
Problem with this is Ideal's usual price on screen of £999.99.
Also a shocking lack of other people selling this brand. Love how they are highlighting 'it will last 20 years' then continually pointing out how they aren't guaranteeing anything. Also love Sally trying to slowly say 'if you don't like it, get it back to us' LOL
even she could see how no-one could in reality easily get it back to them, drop it into Asds perhaps?
Also also, where has Sally's sudden posh accent, I'm an interior designer, and use of words all come from?
Also, also also, why in the name of garden-furniture is the bleedin' super peeler/Bamix suddenly qualified to advise us on garden furniture? Love how he is trying to be super super perfect too, 'oh excuse me, dry mouth, my utmost sincerest, religious voiced apologies'.
Sally also pointed out her furniture she bought; a) she said Charles Taylor hadn't been at IW when she bought hers, yes it was but never mind, then she pointed out how "it rusted after 2 months, AND they told me it wouldn't" says Sally, who then preceeds to spend the rest of the hour telling how 'this' won't rust........
brilliant car-crash telly
A quick google (other search engines are available) shows the company themselves (if you read the delivery bit, they say 'we deliver our own furniture') selling the same set as IW for the same price, £499.99.
Problem with this is Ideal's usual price on screen of £999.99.
Also a shocking lack of other people selling this brand. Love how they are highlighting 'it will last 20 years' then continually pointing out how they aren't guaranteeing anything. Also love Sally trying to slowly say 'if you don't like it, get it back to us' LOL
Also also, where has Sally's sudden posh accent, I'm an interior designer, and use of words all come from?
Also, also also, why in the name of garden-furniture is the bleedin' super peeler/Bamix suddenly qualified to advise us on garden furniture? Love how he is trying to be super super perfect too, 'oh excuse me, dry mouth, my utmost sincerest, religious voiced apologies'.
Sally also pointed out her furniture she bought; a) she said Charles Taylor hadn't been at IW when she bought hers, yes it was but never mind, then she pointed out how "it rusted after 2 months, AND they told me it wouldn't" says Sally, who then preceeds to spend the rest of the hour telling how 'this' won't rust........
brilliant car-crash telly