Catherine Huntley


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I watched CH with the sound off and I could tell she was 'brown-nosing' LG. As I mentioned yesterday, there is a general slackness in presenting skills with all of the QVC presenters in general. To me, they all seem very bored with the products and come over with the 'can't be bothered look'
I saw the repeat this morning and watched her blatantly order the black TSV. So unprofessional. Let's hope the powers that be punish her by not letting her work with Lulu again. Then she can ring and order as many of Lulu's bags as she likes.
I was watching the repeat for a few mins this morning because I was waiting for Match of the Day repeat to start. I though CH was rather hot but then I'm single and male :grin:

Though really, do people pay out that kind of money for a bit of leather?????
I can't stick the woman ~ she's totally unprofessional and faker than a pink xmas tree. As for the purchase mid show!! ~ she made herself look totally ridiculous. Despite enjoying LG hours, I had to switch off due to an extreme bilious attack!
Just looked at the QVC prog. and she's on with Lulu at eight tonight, then we have JR doing the same smarming up to Simon for 2 hours. Hope there's something good on TV.

Oh no not those two together. He said the Leader would be on with him tonight.
I don't really mind CH normally but to me "tapping the app" mid show was just a sales ploy which made her look ridiculous!
She'll have a devil of a job trying to cancel it if the on air order was just a sales ploy! Teehee! Silly goose!

Jude xx
I watched CH with the sound off and I could tell she was 'brown-nosing' LG. As I mentioned yesterday, there is a general slackness in presenting skills with all of the QVC presenters in general. To me, they all seem very bored with the products and come over with the 'can't be bothered look'

Entirely agree Globey, all of them are guilty of not giving out the sizing early enough, particularly when there is a guest to talk to; and CH is particularly bad at that - exactly my gripe at midnight when she was too self orientated and not enough product focused. (blimey that was well put Linda !) How can we 'leap to the phones' if we dont know what the hell we are buying ?? To be honest I am heartily fed up now with all the mateyness and mwa mwa kissy kissy that seems to take up a lot of air time, - and not enough time spent doing the job they are paid to do, hells bells its hardly rocket science is it !
She'll have a devil of a job trying to cancel it if the on air order was just a sales ploy! Teehee! Silly goose!

Jude xx

I thought the whole tapping her app business and getting told off for it was staged just make us think she was spending her own money on it and not getting a freebie - I didn't really believe that she had bought it - getting cynical in my old age or maybe have just watched QVC for too many years! :grin:
I thought the whole tapping her app business and getting told off for it was staged just make us think she was spending her own money on it and not getting a freebie - I didn't really believe that she had bought it - getting cynical in my old age or maybe have just watched QVC for too many years! :grin:

Apparently she ordered so much from the show beforehand, she missed the TSV. What a load of absolute b*llocks. Do they really think the viewers are so naive?
I think her hair is shocking - fringe up in a bit of a bouffant and those awful lank extensions half way down her back - really cheap & tarty-looking :wave:

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