Catherine Huntley gets attacked by a wasp!


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Lemme preface this by saying I love,love,love Catherine as some of you know, anyway this was the funniest thing, it happened toward the end of the 5pm QVC selection today.

Catherine completely freaked out! I don't blame her, I hate them(wasps) myself, seem to me the most useless creature in the whole ecosystem, but I'm sure someone will come along an tell me what purpose they serve.

Anyway I can't post the link, coz I can't get the video to play for some reason, but if anyone else wants to have a gander, it's when she's selling the wave/diamond earrings.

Anyhoo, Chunters, I'm glad you didn't get stung.:giggle:

Oh, post title should read "gets attacked by a wasp"
I felt for her too, it's not as if she could dash off the set (well, she could but not very professional).

I felt the guest presenter sat next to her was quite condescending to Catherine, as if to say"Don't be silly child!, it's just a wasp", and that she was somehow the more professional of the two by sitting there stoically.

Wasp stings can be a very serious situation for some folk,I dunno if Catherine falls into this category,whatever the situation,I don't blame her one jot for her seemingly OTT reaction.

At least Catherine DIDN'T run off the set,I know I would have,you wouldn't seen me on air for dust,lol.

Wish I could post the link for this, but the vids were not playing yesterday on QVCsite and I've forgetten the name of the jewellry they were hawking.
I didn't see this but am terrified of wasps. The stings hurt like crazy - like hot glass shards being put into your skin. Poor Catherine. I would of legged it :eek:
I didn't see this but am terrified of wasps. The stings hurt like crazy - like hot glass shards being put into your skin. Poor Catherine. I would of legged it :eek:[/QUOTE ]

I found some interesting articles when I looked up the purpose of wasps. Apparently they are an essential part of the ecosystem and do lots of important tasks. One article even suggested that WE, humans are an irritant to them, as they were here first, not the other way round.

I found this also which made me laugh out loud but I feel it's one of the more accurate descriptions of these creatures.

"Wasps are well known for being spawns of Satan, like Furbys, and that guy you met on the internet or at the pub. A simple but popular defition of wasp is any member of the Aculeate family Vepidae, but a far more accurate definition would be a "shower of bastardos". Wasps are unique in the sense that they do not have to actually eat to produce energy, as they get all of their energy from the depths of hell, which they are in constant communication with. In between flying around looking for teachers to sting and stinging other people they also construct basic nests out of pulp, where they live a strange almost cultish existence (for example they are all guys except for the one queen - who happens to be a chick who they all bang - what's that all about??). They only leave their nests to sting people " esp. single mothers" or, failing that , stinging inanimate objects as practise for the real thing."
Well I swallowed a wasp once which ended up with 3.5 hours in A&E and an ENT surgeon, but I still dont run away screaming even though y incident was a close call. Most people completly over react and there really is no need except for the few who may suffer terrible consequences. You are more likely to be run over by a car.
Well I swallowed a wasp once which ended up with 3.5 hours in A&E and an ENT surgeon, but I still dont run away screaming even though y incident was a close call. Most people completly over react and there really is no need except for the few who may suffer terrible consequences. You are more likely to be run over by a car.

Well you're just arrd as nutz,intcha??:clapping:

All I know is, I react viscerally to wasps, wherever they are, I don't wanna be. Obviously I 'm not gonna run into traffic to get away from one, but if I can create any distance,I will.
:muscle: :muscle:

Seriously if you should ever be frightened its when you've been stung in the back of your throat and it swells up, but I like to put things into proportion. :wink:

Even before the wasp stung the back of my throat, I probably would die from the trauma of the whole thing.

I can't even begin to envisage your scenario. *shudders*

Even before the wasp stung the back of my throat, I probably would die from the trauma of the whole thing.

I can't even begin to envisage your scenario. *shudders*


Well it started on a nice summers day with a bottle of beer, unbeknown to me, a wasp was enjoying it too when I drank it....... :doh:
Well it started on a nice summers day with a bottle of beer, unbeknown to me, a wasp was enjoying it too when I drank it....... :doh:

Oh for the love of Gawd Choppysocks! do you write horror movies or what???

No more, no more, I implore you! You're freaking me reet oot!


Runs from forum screaming!:mysmilie_505:
My son was stung by a wasp, under his chin. He didn't realise it was there and looked down only to squash the insect which then stung his neck. He immediately started screaming and his neck swelled terribly. It was actually quite frightening for him and me. He was only seven at the time but he has never forgotten it. He is now nineteen and still runs a mile when a wasp goes near him. J.
Years and years ago I stood on a wasp and have been very wary of them ever since. I couldn't wear normal shoes for weeks my foot was so swollen and painful. The thought of swallowing one is beyond imagining.
Very many years ago I got stung on the foot whilst standing in a queue at the Greengrocers. I kept slipping my right foot in and out of my shoe during the long wait but, unfortunately, I hadn't realised that a wasp had joined in the act too! Felt very strange almost immediately it had stung me but we were just about to start a two hour car journey so I tried not to think too much about it. However, during the following hours my foot began to swell to a tremendous size - it looked like a cow's udder with my toes just dangling on the end! It resulted in a trip to the nearest Hospital where I was given an Antihistamine injection and a course of tablets. Even to this day the area on the foot feels extremely irritable when the weather is hot.

Needless to say, I detest wasps with a passion now but I do try not to panic because that only makes their behaviour even more aggressive. Still don't see the point of this horrible insect though!!
I saw on a Bill Oddie programme that wasps cross pollenate plants as much as bees do.

I guessed they must have some purpose on this planet but why do they need to be so damn aggressive I wonder? I always feel that they're prepared to sting you for no apparent reason whereas bees are the most wonderful insects and go about their business unless provoked.
i hate wasps as well got stung as a child and now proceed to squeal like a child if one comes near me lol hate them if it was me on air i would have legged it haha
Poor you Choppy Socks! It reminds me, years ago a friend of the family was eating watermelon at a picnic, and got stung by a wasp on her tongue. She had to go to hospital, and various Doctors kept coming in to have a look and a few even laughed! Poor thing, she was only 10 at the time!

I was once walking along, and felt a tickle on my hand. When I touched my head, I got stung on my finger. It was so painful, it bought tears to my eyes, and I was grumpy for the rest of the day!

Wasps seem to be there just to ruin a lovely hot day.

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