Buying when pissed


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Did anyone see that article the other day about 70% of on line purchases being made after the buyer has had a drink?

Guilty! I can certainly say that a lot of my QVC purchases have been made following a small sherry (medicinal purposes, thank you).

There's been a couple of occasions when things have turned up that I don't remember ordering at al! :blush:

And you......?
Not so much an impulse purchase but more devilish when watching Q with a glass of wine in hand. I once phoned CS and asked for the item number for Tova's wig.

My biggest pitfall has been bidding for things on ebay when pissed - definitely one to avoid!
Not as bad as that awful late night "quiz" thing on ITV. Do they still do that? i'm a mum now so never get out much.... When I was still single, 30 years old in 2003 I once spent over 30 quid on my phone bill on the ITV quiz in one night because I was pissed. Thank god I only watch qvc when I am in a relationship (don't ask me why, it just seemed to happen that way....)
Oh those late night quiz shows were beyond infuriating. I'm sure they used to change the answer with each response until it go to the point when they'd exhausted all the possible options for the 'right' answer.
Oooh yes, they used to anger me beyond belief...praying on the vulnerable and the downright pi$$ed! I remember once watching one "quiz" which involved phoning in and telling them items you'd buy in a supermarket that begin with S....Sausages, Sugar, Salt? No.....Sherbert, Saltbeef and string!

Going back to topic, I tend not to purchase when I've had a few...I don't need any encouragement...I just year's resolution coming on...only to buy when I'm pi$$ed!
Oh, I've bought loads over the years, and not just from QVC. Getting up with a terrible hangover, or still mildly pissed, and signing into my emails with a sinking feeling became an all too common event. I used to buy unsuitable and overpriced jewellry, that went straight back, the good old 30day MBG coming into play. However, I did buy a fantastic Panasonic compact camera one night. It lay in the box for a month as I hadn't a clue why I'd bought it, never mind how to use it, but when I took the plunge, I never looked back and it takes some cracker photos, some of which now grace the walls of my living room. I developed (OK, bad pun!) an interest in photography and have moved on to a DSLR, so it's not all bad!
I'm guilty of most of this too, although I have managed to give the quizzes a wide berth. I cannot stand quizzes if the answers are too easy :giggle: I have to feel a sense of achievement :tongue:

There is a distinct connection between alcohol consumption and late night purchases. I can safely say as my alcohol consumption has lessened, there are fewer scary emails and knocks on the door with surprise packages from the postman as there used to be. Being hard up has its plus points :cheeky:
My shopping is hormonal as I don't often drink. PMT week is a shopping frenzy and woe betide anyone who questions my judgement at this time!

Jude xx
Ummmm, I seem to have a bigger problem. I buy all kinds of guff off there completely sober!!! Thousands of pounds worth over the years. Maybe hitting the bottle would be helpful for me!! :)
There were complaints about thoses quizzes. One of the questions was about items you would have in your handbag. The jackpot was about £7,000 (think it went up every time someone got it wrong). The answer to the quiz............rawlplugs (spelling? - the things that hold screws in walls). Look I carry everything in my bag - but not those!
I don't have any excuse as I don't drink! Mind you it does mean that I can usually remember what I've bought but it doesn't mean I never buy any rubbish.
There were complaints about thoses quizzes. One of the questions was about items you would have in your handbag. The jackpot was about £7,000 (think it went up every time someone got it wrong). The answer to the quiz............rawlplugs (spelling? - the things that hold screws in walls). Look I carry everything in my bag - but not those!

I do!
Padding, padding, padding, padding (because it wouldn't let me post my message because it was too short!!!!!!!)

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