Butler & Wilson Fashion Jewellery TSV 16/11/12


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I think that's quite nice kitten, MUCH better than that skull watch yuk!

Difficult innit, when most of his stuff is utter tat but that one did catch my eye & I could see DD wearing it....I suppose I could get it & just see, I am also slightly concerned about the size, as it states 8" (huge!) but wondering if a fair bit of that will be taken up by the design overhang, if that makes sense? :wonder:
I know earlier in this thread I said I like the owl - and i do, but not as part of a watch. I just cannot think at what ocassion ANYONE would wear it! Think I might be a bit embarassed to reveal it from under my sleeve to check the time:blush:

Think I'm going to swith off now - just seen a flying cat brooch!!
Did you see Saffie's dress. Its beautiful at the back, and its one of his designs from the
1970's. Where did he go wrong. I heard the shop is lovely and full of different designs
and i'd love to wander in it.
It's amazing that we all keep watching. We could do a "guess what delight will be shown next" quiz. The more abstract idea we come up with could be the winner.

Just thought the owl watch could be adpated with sound affects for the next release. The watch could come complete with 'owl' noises .....

twit, too twit your are

Did you see Saffie's dress. Its beautiful at the back, and its one of his designs from the
1970's. Where did he go wrong. I heard the shop is lovely and full of different designs
and i'd love to wander in it.

I did see that, it was totally gorgeous - would love something like that - if I went anywhere that is:sad:. I agree, he does seem to have lost his way. No doubt the older things were made in the UK and I expect most of his stuff now is made in China!
Simons things recently are very much all or nothing to me, they are either really classy and timeless or major tat - flying cat case in point!! and that skeletons hand crawling over his shoulder - creepy!
Did you see Saffie's dress. Its beautiful at the back, and its one of his designs from the
1970's. Where did he go wrong. I heard the shop is lovely and full of different designs
and i'd love to wander in it.

If the shop is full of such lovely designs it begs the question why do we get this tat. My theory is he holds his shop customers in much higher regard than us the mere shopping channel viewers.
You can almost hear him laughing on his way to the bank.
I agree with you reflexgirl i think he has lost his way a bit i noticed that there is 60+ items either on last clicks or clearance so hes not selling everthing out like he used to i like simon but how many things can you put sparkley stones on ? some of his stuff is nasty looking like the skull range i think he needs a smaller better thought out range. Theo fennell does some fab scull ranges i love them !!!!
If the shop is full of such lovely designs it begs the question why do we get this tat. My theory is he holds his shop customers in much higher regard than us the mere shopping channel viewers.
You can almost hear him laughing on his way to the bank.

Spot on LE but then why wouldn't he when the twonks keep buying his hideously naff 'probably never seen it before today/shipped it straight from China unseen' shopping channel offerings....says she who was just posting about potentially purchasing one of his skull bracelets for a pressie.....! :doh: :grin:
Why hasn't he come up with a fully automated Nightmarish grimacing bejewelled Jack in the Box brooch with knuckledustered boxing gloves on so every time you feel like cheating on your diet it wallops you in the kisser!
Why hasn't he come up with a fully automated Nightmarish grimacing bejewelled Jack in the Box brooch with knuckledustered boxing gloves on so every time you feel like cheating on your diet it wallops you in the kisser!

:mysmilie_466: Just in case SW should see/read the above post (or more likely Will does, who tells Ali Y, who tells JR, who tells SW! lol), I think you should ask admin to delete it PDQ, you'll give him ideas FGS......! I tells ya, if something like that appears on tele in the next 6 months, we'll know exactly who to blame, there'll be nowhere to run, nowhere to hide......!
I am so glad I'm not the only one who thinks this stuff is over-priced tat and don't get me started on that hideous ring JR was wearing last night - yuk

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