Buckley Poppy Brooch


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If you look at the completed listings on ebay, the brooch has sold for anything between £50 and £215. Not good is it? Even the ones listed now have really high starting prices. If all the money was going to the RBL then it's ok, but sadly most are not. The one that sold for £215 has 25% of the price going to the poppy appeal. Nice tidy little profit for the seller, but morally wrong IMO.

It's shocking to think that people would buy something to make a profit on. I like the idea of the embellised poppies, but I would rather donate in the poppy appeal pot and have a paper poppy.
Just checked on a sellers completed listings I maybe wrong but I'm sure I got to about nearly £1,000 in sold poppies.
Out of that would be buying/donation/postage costs, ebay and Pay Pal fees even though a huge
profit, just hope they can sleep.:devil:
There were some still available on the Scottish RBL site last week - although they asked for a donation of £15.00.
I've been a volunteer 'poppy person' this year and there is a huge demand for all kinds of poppies - metal pins, larger poppies, wristbands, stickers etc. I think next year, the RBL will have to start supplying even more of them.
That's where I got mine from and I was happy to donate £15. Still bought a paper one outside Sainsbury though, I could never walk past a volunteer seller.
Prior to this one I started a thread in the Drop about these outrageous sellers on eBay. It's absolutely disgusting just how much money they are making but the buyers must be stupid. If they have that amount of money to spare then surely it would be more worthwhile donating the sum direct to the RBL rather than help to line the pockets of the greedy scumbags?
I also noticed a seller with a poppy on bid with 100% donation asking for generous bids though it hasn't seemed to have attracted many bids, as yet.
Could be because they haven't got the pin as it's for dispatch in December shame really.
Daughter and I were out & about in Nottm over the weekend and they'd got little kids (cadets) selling the poppies, they looked frozen to death poor mites! Most people, lot of young ones, just walking past without a glance, it's so sad. Another couple of generations will they still be having Remembrance Sunday I wonder?

I have the same concern BusyMum, but don't worry too much, I'm currently pushing a three year old around in a McLaren (he still won't walk far :dull:) proudly wearing his poppy. Am happy to say I've been keeping the RBL afloat as my son is so destructive/clumsy I've been buying approximately one poppy and one sticker per day for the last three weeks...:nod:

My Grandfather-in-law (if such a relationship exists!) is heavily involved with the RBL and he says they are aware of what is happening on Ebay and are trying to take action.

Thanks to everyone who has drawn attention to the behaviour of those who seem able to live in a moral vacuum :handshake:
with our servicemen and women in action around the world more and more, i think about them and their predecessors bravery most days and do believe that our youngsters are more aware now than ever before. My son has just gone into town to collect a wreath he's ordered, unknown to me, from the RBL to lay on sunday for his regiment 1 Mercian.
The poppy brooch I luckly managed to get after the sell out hasn't arrived as yet, though I had an email this morning to say it's been dispatched.
My daughter has gone to school to do the Remembrance Service asembly this morning.
Luckly she'd got her own poppy Saturday whilst at the Trafford Centre at her friends birthday trip to the pictures.


My daughter's english class did the asembly for their school year yesterday, they have being selling poppies this week at school so the children had their poppies on.
The teacher accounced if anyone had change they wanted to put in the boxes on the way out of the hall, they could. From that they said they were really pleased to find they had collected an extra £35.

Our lovely poppy brooch arrived from QVC today.
If your thinking about it,well worth pre ordering from the RBL for dispatch December.

Here's the link :



Couldn' agree more bags..........mine also arrived today, it is realy,realy lovely.

My son is an army cadet so shall be wearing it, whilst I watch him and others march proudly on Sunday.
I do believe young people today are very aware of the sacrifices our young men are making for our country and that they will continue with such traditions as "Rememberance Sunday" for many years to come.
That's really lovely Clairella I'm sure you'll feel really proud watching your Son, I hope the weather keeps dry for you both.
My daughter was really pleased with the poppy when she came in from school.
She's got a college tester day tomorrow and she says she going to wear it.
I have the same concern BusyMum, but don't worry too much, I'm currently pushing a three year old around in a McLaren (he still won't walk far :dull:) proudly wearing his poppy. Am happy to say I've been keeping the RBL afloat as my son is so destructive/clumsy I've been buying approximately one poppy and one sticker per day for the last three weeks...:nod:
My Grandfather-in-law (if such a relationship exists!) is heavily involved with the RBL and he says they are aware of what is happening on Ebay and are trying to take action.

Thanks to everyone who has drawn attention to the behaviour of those who seem able to live in a moral vacuum :handshake:

Been out of circulation for a few days - anyway AD I'm pleased to hear that you've got your little lad trained up in wearing his poppy and long may it continue! It's heartening to hear that some of our youngsters are still keeping up the tradition - my own daughter brought up very much in the mould of having respect for such things. In our local small town on 11/11 I was disappointed to see some people still walking around during the 2 mins silence..people my age and older, which surprised me. Like many on here I've bought several poppies, can't walk on by, specially when the sellers are either very young or very old! As for the eBay sellers..well I can't find words for them that would be acceptable on a public forum.

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