Bit Of A Moan & A Question


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Before I rant let's get the question out of the way - when yo place bids on the web and also over the phone in the same 24 hours do they have a system in place that actually works and ensures you only pay 1 p&p?? I placed 3 separate bids by phgone yesterday and was surprised to be given 3 different order numbers but was told that at the end of the day a report is run and they are 'recognised' as being connected to the same bidder and only 1 p&p is charged, can anyone confirm this as it seems a very convuluted way of doing things. I also have 4 things in my basket for pressies and when I check them out will that order also be recognised and the p&P not be charged?? It all seems very odd because I spoke to CS and was told to enter an existing phone order code when checking out and there would not be a p&p charged but no matter which order code I entered it kept saying that is an invalid code ;rolleyes: so I am not very confident that this 1 p&p in 24 hours actually works. What are your experiences please??

Okay, time for RANT!! :HUMP:

Yesterday afternoon/early evening I saw a 75pt green diamond ring auctioned and I was on the phone immediately with me finger poised over the 1 key waiting for the price crash and almost broke the phone when it crashed down to £499!!!! :scream:BUT the bloody phone rang anout 12 times :RANT: and when it was answered the guy first of all said my bid was successful :lock1: but then said it wasn't and it was already sold :TANTRUM: which pi$$ed me right off as if they'd answered the phone quicker I'm sure that would not have happened. It's not as if it was a big game with loads of bids being processed :rolleyes: and although I know it's the luck of the draw I am still hacked off that I lost out on a ring that I've been watching out for religiously for bloody days :mad: cos I am still waiting for the 69pt green diamond ring that I bought last weekend to arrive but have been stalking the channel for a bigger one so gggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! :TANTRUM: :pPC:
Oh Sue, I do feel for you with the auction/telephone problem. My only suggestion is to speak to CS on Monday. If they have another in stock they might honour the £499. I saw that one and it was a beaut so I hope you get it.

In terms of the rant - mmmmmmmmmm. I wish I could say that their systems will cope with this but unfortunately they are having mega problems. I know they're working on them but I wouldn't assume, despite what you've been told, that all your orders will be combined. In all honesty I'd doubt it. My only suggestion and its not very helpful, is that you'll really need to talk to CS cos they're the only ones that can do anything sensible with the system.
Its not a good situation at all when its like this, i'm sure people will turn away from R&C if this happens on a regular basis. Hope you get sorted hun x
Yes I tend to agree with you Meesh although the guy I spoke to was very sweet and was totally convinced it would all work out in the end lol. I just wish their ordering process was as easy and flexible as *whispers* GemsTV :lipsrsealed: but I guess it's early days yet and plenty of scope for improvement. As for the GD ring I hope so but I didn't even get time to write the item number down as I was on the bloody phone for so long. :HUMP: :pPC:
Each time you place a phone order on the sme day, you are given an order number. These DO tie up and you are only charged one P & P - at least I have always been charged only 1. With regards to the phone and the web - I was told that unfortunately they can't combine the one postage between phone and web orders yet so what I do is to either use the web all day or the phone but not both. I know that's not ideal but I'm sure they will fix this soon.
Sue, I know one of them is 379 783 but I think that's the .69ct - perhaps the one you've already got? Sorry if that doesn't help. The only thing that I'd say is visually, if the .69ct and the .75ct are cut the same, you'll be hardpressed to see the difference. At least if you have the number of the smaller one they should be able to find the code for the larger ring.
Hiya Sue, so sorry to hear you weren't successful in bidding for the gorgeous green diamond ring. Didn't they say it was a premiere? Though I did think it resembled one I've already seen on the website......but perhaps a different carat weight.

I've seen comments on here previously complaining that whilst all web bidding in any 24 hrs costs just one p&p, any phone
buying is charged separately. Think they need to standardise this and for this reason I've only ever bid on the web.
And unlike Gems, I think you can bid on the web even if there is only one item up for grabs.

See you got a few more mentions last night from the delightful John, even the ******* got a shout out!
Each time you place a phone order on the sme day, you are given an order number. These DO tie up and you are only charged one P & P - at least I have always been charged only 1. With regards to the phone and the web - I was told that unfortunately they can't combine the one postage between phone and web orders yet so what I do is to either use the web all day or the phone but not both. I know that's not ideal but I'm sure they will fix this soon.
Hi Klos I was actually instructed by CS to enter the the previous order number in the apply order code box when checking out and she said it would work but of course it didn't so I hope they do get this sorted as I do use the option of using the web and the phone...... when I want to buy 2 of something for instance.
Sue, I know one of them is 379 783 but I think that's the .69ct - perhaps the one you've already got? Sorry if that doesn't help. The only thing that I'd say is visually, if the .69ct and the .75ct are cut the same, you'll be hardpressed to see the difference.
Yes possibly Meesh but I'd still prefer to buy both and compare the two as I think the settings were different as well, so I'm keeping everything crossed.... ooh err missus. :D
Hiya Sue,
See you got a few more mentions last night from the delightful John, even the ******* got a shout out!
I know, he's a real sweetie isn't he. :clap: Methinks I'm getting a liitle obsessed with him...see above comment to Meesh. :eek::D :pPC:
Hi Klos I was actually instructed by CS to enter the the previous order number in the apply order code box when checking out and she said it would work but of course it didn't so I hope they do get this sorted as I do use the option of using the web and the phone...... when I want to buy 2 of something for instance.

I think the first thing they need to do is to sort out some formal training and make sure everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet because you get different stories depending on which CS operator you speak to!!

I really hope you get it sorted out PPC and I'm green with envy cos I'd love a Green Diamond ring!!
I haven't bought from Rocks and Co as yet, and have to say, having kept an eye on this section of the forum, I am not sure that I will be. Their pieces are beautiful, and the prices seem pretty good too, but it seems that too much is going wrong, and their CS seems exceptionally 'rigid' when it comes to dealing with the problems.

Doesn't fill with confidence to be honest, and when there are other suppliers out there who don't seem to have these problems, it makes you think about not bothering, I have to say!
Hi Pinkpussycat,

Firstly I apologise for you not winning that Green Diamond and the confusion that you had when ordering.

Tomorrow I will look into it for you and see if we have that particular item in stock, if not, I’ll see if we have an alternative for you.

With Regards the Web situation, I will get Gavin to clarify everything to you!!

In relation to what I posted before, the current System is not 100% ideal as to what we would like it to be (it was forced to do something it wasn’t designed to do), because of that, we are currently having a new software system being built, which will be ready in the New Year, as well as us moving all our studio and operations into one facility. (This will enable us to closely monitor our service levels and give a greater customer experience)

The bit that I didn’t tell you before is this new system will integrate all ways of ordering i.e. you can order on the web then the phone then web (any mixture of the two). You will then be able to see all your orders in one place and the call centre staff will be able to see that too, they can amend/edit your order where ever you placed it (web or phone). Plus you will just have one order number, no multiples!

Also, the order process will be dramatically speeded up, as existing customer details can be “looked up” by most means e.g. post code, surname, phone number and then an item just added to a new/existing order all visible on 1 screen, which isn’t possible at the moment.

Customer services – Once we move to the new facility in the New Year, we are looking into extending the weekday hours and opening for selected hours on the weekend.

There will be plenty of more changes for the better too. I will let you know closer to / in the New Year.

Have a Great Day,


Rocks & Co. COO

Will the new systems allow the sales staff to have access to the whole system please? It's incredibly frustrating having to wait until CS is open on a Monday. As I mentioned on another thread, the system kicked me out of a web bid and the sales team weren't able to sell it to me at the same price even though it was in stock. I've sent a PM to RocksandCo Helper and hopefully she'll be able to do it on Monday but it's really really annoying.

Hi Meeshoo,

In relation to your issue, yes the sales team will be able to deal with problems like that and add the product back to your basket and at the correct price. you won't have to phone CS for basic things like that, although it shouldn't happen on the new system :D

I believe CS should be for more serious issues and any basic information relating to a sale you are having a problems completing /adding to, it will be the sales team that can quickly correct it for you.

Its a huge project and its coming along nicely :D

Hope that helps,


Rocks & Co. COO
Hi Pinkpussycat,

Firstly I apologise for you not winning that Green Diamond and the confusion that you had when ordering.

Tomorrow I will look into it for you and see if we have that particular item in stock, if not, I’ll see if we have an alternative for you.

With Regards the Web situation, I will get Gavin to clarify everything to you!!

Have a Great Day,


Rocks & Co. COO
Hello Andew!! Thankyou very much!! :YIPPEE: I really appreciate your response and I will look forward to hearing from you and Gavin tomorrow. :YAY: Right now I'm looking forward to having a laugh with the fabulous John this evening and seeing if anything tempts me in the really posh bits hour at 9pm. ;) :D Best regards, Sue :pPC:

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