Bid Shopping in 2012 - What will happen?


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Feb 6, 2011
South Yorkshire
What are your thoughts what will happen on Bid Shopping in 2012?

Will the three channels still be going in a year's time?

Which presenters will go?

Will they still have enough tanzanite for next Christmas?

My thoughts:

Speed Auction cannot continue to broadcast in it's current form. If you can remove a channel for weeks during Christmas then a question has to be asked about it's purpose and where it fits into the company.

I think Speed will eventually only be live at peak times and will either have recorded sales during the day or Teleshopping.

I think the other channels will continue as they are the revamp only happened in August so I predict no on screen look changes during this year.

I think a lot of the presenters will stay but as we know Charlie wants to go I think we may say goodbye to Caroline Lindsay, Paul Evers and Mike Smith.

As for products I think they will continue with the Jewellery obsession as there are a lot of similar channel around to compete, I also don't think the standard of products will improve with a lot of poundland style offerings still being flogged also think the p&p is here to stay while the economic climate pushes margins.
It'll be interesting to see their financial statements in the new year -there has been a downward spiral since 2008....

I don't think they'll be able to do better than the 'tat' they have with the markets being so competitive these days. The power of the internet is slowly killing off the high-street shops and maybe it'd be better to pump the 'Speed auction' TV money into their online presence instead.

If they keep up with the current format and finances continue to be down then I can't see sit-up being around come 2014 OR they'll be down to one channel.

2012 - rethink strategy, retire Peter Simon, honesty, no more tat, put James Russell into a tanzanite mine and seal it up and bring some fun back into the channel without all the cold hard sell! Oh, and get some decent products!
My guess? The forthcoming presenter reshuffle might also coincide with Speed Auction turning into an 'informercial'-style channel with prerecorded sales only (like Bid TV on Christmas Day). If Bid and Price-drop are losing four presenters then they could be replaced with Mike Mason plus that bloke from Speed Auction who tells bad jokes. Currently appearing on Price-drop there's someone called Simon Davi(e)s who I've never seen before but he's rather good so I can see him moving to Price-drop full time along with someone else (probably a woman to keep the balance).

Other than that, they desperately need to find some better quality products so they don't need to lie or make excuses so often (or basically at all), but if Sit-up are genuinely feeling the pinch then they could go out of business if the economic situation worsens during 2012.

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