Beware the Gnome.


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Jul 8, 2008
OMG not another gardening TSV coming up? Serious question to QVC, as we know you come here to read, just how much of this crap do you really think we, the viewers, want to see? I am utterly sick of seeing him and his fecking flower power on practically every day. And everyone knows you can't believe what he says! Kick him out on his arse and give us something good. This has been going on since January. It's too much. Do you not have any other ideas?
I picked up an unopened bag of Flower Power at a car boot sale for 50p. Have to say I have bought some previously from QVC at full price and I wasn't massively impressed with it. Might try it again or flog it on Ebay.
Give Charlie Dimmock her own shows with no presenter butting in with ooohs and aaaahhhs. She has credibility in bucket loads. Just let the presenter give price details and leave Charlie to inform us with her expert knowledge.
Give Charlie Dimmock her own shows with no presenter butting in with ooohs and aaaahhhs. She has credibility in bucket loads. Just let the presenter give price details and leave Charlie to inform us with her expert knowledge.

Except she can't present for toffee.
It's the way RJ's voice changes when he's excited about something that really creeps me out a bit, he goes all hoarse & his voice gets louder. It's particularly annoying when it's about something he's talked about loads of times before, like water changing colour when you add Flower Power to it or when he's going mad over a large root system. :blush:
I'm finding him more and more irritating, not only because he talks to the camera rather than the presenter, but the fact that he's 'really excited' about every single product. The other day there was a little garden table which lit up in the dark and he was "really really excited" about it. He needs to get himself a life if a bl**dy garden table excites him.
That growl thing he does over root systems was mildly amusing for a nanosecond when he first started doing it. Since then it's been pathetic and annoying.
The jovial matey act doesn't wash with me. Look at the eyes. Hard as nails.
I think poor Charlie is bored out of her brain every time I see her, trying to be enthusiastic over some tat! I feel sorry for her. Guess she has to make a living somehow though...
I think poor Charlie is bored out of her brain every time I see her, trying to be enthusiastic over some tat! I feel sorry for her. Guess she has to make a living somehow though...

I totally agree. At least she hasn't sold her soul to Q.................yet

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