Beulah mentioned


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Jul 2, 2008
Our beautiful Beulah Hughes was mentioned by John Cleese on the One Show tonight. They were showing an old picture of some bikini-clad girls with some of the Monty Python cast including Michael Palin. He spoke of the girl in the corner of the picture called Beulah as if she was a promising rising star. I am sure he wasn't aware of her passing.
I was only able to glance at the photo quickly so if anyone can find it, you techies out there and put it on the forum, I'm sure some of us who remember her would like to see her again.
In case anyone can't place the name to a face here's a beautiful picture of Beulah:


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I have to admit I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself as the outlaws are circling to monopolise our visit to the exclusion of my brother, my only close relative left in this country (or still living). I'd give anything for one more disfunctional Christmas with my parents and siblings.
Awwww that's sad ....I miss my my dear Mum and Dad and Sister and Auntie and Uncle so much .....thinking of everybody who is missing their loved ones :0(((( ...sometimes I cannot even post this time of year's the Christmas songs ...the memories .....
Yes, I too think of Christmas' past when our family unit were all alive and the great times we had, no money, the simplest of toys in a pillowcase, and chicken was a luxury at Christmas, but by God we laughed.

Now I find the adverts for tables full of food quite nauseating - do people ACTUALLY feed their faces that much ? I find that once I've had the xmas dinner and pud, I'm stuffed for the rest of the day !!!!!
My thoughts are with everyone who has lost a loved one as it's the one time of year when all we see are large families gathered around the christmas table laughing and enjoying good food. Sadly as lots of us here know, that's just not true. I'd give anything to go back to Christmases when my husband, dad, mother in law and father in law were still here. My husband and I would discuss (!!) which set of parents we would spend the day with, who's party we should go to, whose turn it was to drive ....

Now it's just me, my 11 year old dd and 86 year old mum (who only wants 2 brussels and a roast potato on Christmas Day because if she has anything else she'll still be chewing it on Boxing Day.

We don't realise what we have until it's too late we just have to make other memories.

Merry christmas to everyone xxxx
Shops have a lot to answer for, pushing hilarity, food and presents in our faces all the time and making us feel we jolly well OUGHT to be happy and if we're not, that we can spend our way out of the mire. A recipe for the blues if ever I knew one. It's nice for those with large, close families but it doesn't work for so many of us.
It was Dad's birthday on Monday, he would have been 92...I miss my parents at this time of year, loved spoiling them rotten. Can remember my first Christmas with OH and we'd been shopping and bought all the usual chocolates and goodies, we then called in to see my parents and Dad was sat in his chair and said he'd been and got their chocolates...he produced a bag of 'pick'n'mix' from Woolies!! It really upset me, that because I'd moved out, that was all he could afford...I cried all the way home. OH dropped me off, then went out again and bought a tin of Roses and Quality Street and took them round, it was really nice of him. I made sure they never had 'pick'n'mix again. Not that there's owt wrong with 'pick'n'mix'.

Merry Christmas everyone
You obviously helped out with the family finances Whatsgoinon, like I did before I got married in the 70's.

I too worried how Mum and Dad would manage without my 'contribution' each month, but they did, and I made damn sure they were both spoiled every Christmas. So different now, a couple of generations later, I barely know any youngster who actually coughs up each month - and I find it laughable to hear the excuses from their parents as to why they don't, e.g. a) saving for their own home, is the favourite (hello, so did we !): b) it stops them borrowing from us mid-month (pathetic, teach 'em to budget); c) we don't need it as we're all working ( ha, they then grown up with an entitlement to everything for free). This is how the me me me generation got its name.

Sorry to go off piste.
Brussels, don't start me.

It is bad enough that young ones think their parents are their for their convenience but it is the parents who actually let their kids walk all over them that really annoy me. Perhaps it is because I was expected to contribute to the household when I lived at home and once I left I was expected to stand on my own two feet - if I couldn't afford the lifestyle I aspired to so ****** sad, I didn't get it until I could.

I know of one couple who have each of the grandparents staying 3 days a week each so that they can work, they live 80 miles away so have to pack up every Wednesday and drive to the daughters home to stay until the weekend and then back home only to start all over again the next week. Yes, she does have doormat written across her forehead.

Another is presently having a strop because her outlaws have had the nerve to arrange to go out on NY eve so Leaving her to actually have to look after her own child.

Nice if grandparents can help out now and again but it is about time people realised that if you can't look after your own kids you shouldn't have them.

I'm sure this won't go down well but personally I think this attitude is the biggest problem in the modern world. No one seems to be prepared to take any sort of responsibility for their own actions.

Rant over
Brussels, don't start me.

It is bad enough that young ones think their parents are their for their convenience but it is the parents who actually let their kids walk all over them that really annoy me. Perhaps it is because I was expected to contribute to the household when I lived at home and once I left I was expected to stand on my own two feet - if I couldn't afford the lifestyle I aspired to so ****** sad, I didn't get it until I could.

I know of one couple who have each of the grandparents staying 3 days a week each so that they can work, they live 80 miles away so have to pack up every Wednesday and drive to the daughters home to stay until the weekend and then back home only to start all over again the next week. Yes, she does have doormat written across her forehead.

Another is presently having a strop because her outlaws have had the nerve to arrange to go out on NY eve so Leaving her to actually have to look after her own child.

Nice if grandparents can help out now and again but [B][/B]it is about time people realised that if you can't look after your own kids you shouldn't have them.
I'm sure this won't go down well but personally I think this attitude is the biggest problem in the modern world. No one seems to be prepared to take any sort of responsibility for their own actions.

Rant over

EXACTLY ! Sorry to be 'graphic' but neither the Grannies nor the State laid on their back, so they shouldn't have to pay the price.

My grandparents ensured we had good Christmas' and helped out with the toy buying, but Mum and Dad were on their own - how it should be.
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My sister and I have always got together at Christmas, and more often than not, has come to me on Christmas Day. This year, she has refused to come because my son didn't get her daughter a 30th birthday card in October. Bearing in mind that my niece is not interested in my son, or his children, so it is not surprising that he has become disinterested in her. I have a sister, but might not as well have - she clearly doesn't care whether she sees me or not. Christmas Daay was used as a weapon. Christmas this year will not be the one I was expecting.
Oh Miss Ellie, I'm so sorry to read this. How ridiculous. I have a similar pile of carp going on with my sister in law who's sulking because I want to spend Boxing Day only with my brother and just Mr A and our kids. We're spending all Christmas Day with her and the other outlaws exclusively ffs! I'd happily scrap the whole trip and just spend a quiet Christmas Day in PJs with our kids, instead of spending Xmas Eve on the M6 for hours.

The only way to get through it is to focus on the good bits and forget the family politics, emotional blackmail, or even just the TV being on too loud. Wishing you a string of happy moments with those you love and who treasure you, and leave the small-minded manipulators to their own.
Thank you so much Jude. The point is that none of us should ever forget what we DO have, my sister in law lost her sister to cancer and would give anything to see her again, whereas my sister ........ I can't quite get over the fact that she is prepared not to see me because of something that was nothing to do with me. With regards to yourself, it is difficult sharing oneself with various family strands but what a shame things have to turn unpleasant. I wish you - and everyone - all the best for Christmas too x
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Ah, families. My partner and I are sick to death of being expected to traipse up to the north to see his family around christmas every year and they're refusing to come to us just once. They have a lot more money than us and they all drive. OH drives but we can't afford a car. Their house isn't big enough to have anyone stay over so being there is actually incredibly stressful. We certainly couldn't afford to stay in a hotel either. We've told them to stuff it, if they don't care enough to come here one year out of the six we've been together then they can't be that bothered about seeing us.
I am reading each and every one of your posts ...I lost my dear parents 13 years ago ...mum would have been 93 on Christmas Eve......mums brother died feb...she adored him and he her ...he lost his wife just before mum and dad passed ...anyway .,l.thinking of you all and I know just how painful this time of year can be for many .......cyber hugs for this Lovley forum xxx:mysmilie_48:

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