"Being a care assistant, I do think QVC care for their customers..."


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I thought from watching documents, facelifts were pulled up to the hairline? Also they cut and stretched behind the ears. The stitches where in the hairline and behind the ears.

Oh wait could be its the QVC facelift, exclusive to them. I am so surprised AY has not actually got it done on our behalf literally.
The one stressing how easy it is to return goods where you can clearly see it's a Liz Earle kit being sent back amuses me. I bet Liz is well naffed off. Now if it was some of the "fashion" or a daft kitchen gadget it would be a bit more credible.
What about that daft QVC ad, where the woman is on a busy working farm where they keep loads of animals..."and of course we have the sheepdog" - almost seeming like he's that the dog is the significant one in the advert and it buys the products...odd! It's always puzzled me that one!

Please will someone with a really big telly put me out of my misery please............what is the orangey blob on the busy working farm lady's cable knit jumper? I keep hoping it comes on when I'm visiting my kids who have big cinemascope tellies. Mine is too small to make out the orange blob. Is it a cob of ice-cream which has dribbled on there or is it a tasteful jumper logo? With the economy in meltdown and the imminent collapse of parliament the identification of orange jumper blobs seems to dominate my thoughts.
As "unreal" as these trailers are, I guess they're not going to choose an image of Waynetta slob lolling on her sofa wearing a stained kaftan and bunions poking out from the sides of her flyflots....wish they would though!!!!!

"I love qvc 'cause I can't be arsed to get dressed and go round the shops, and wiv the 30 day mbg, I can wear this kaftan for a month, bung it back in the post and get another one!....easy!"
Being a care assistant...I often make my beds in my uniform with a stethescope around my neck.... How odd! Is this because we viewers are not clear about the role a care asistant has? If she were an accountant would they have sat her in front of a double entry balance sheet just in case we got confused, if she were a police officer would she have been wearing a stab jacket and carrying a tazzer? I must say I really need these visual clues as I am not very bright. Thank you QVC, you think of everything for me...because you care.
I thought from watching documents, facelifts were pulled up to the hairline? Also they cut and stretched behind the ears. The stitches where in the hairline and behind the ears.

isnt a scar under the chin a dead giveaway for a NECK lift?

you didnt think it was gatineau/elemis/decleor neck firming throat gel/cream/exfoliator/serum that was doing the trick for these girls on the telly did you?
oh yes burly, it was a spectacular bogey, it deserved a show of its own with dale doing a reveal

i saw the scar, tho tbh i am not sure what 'procedure' would have caused it, not a lift for sure, but possibly a chin implant :33: tho if it was a lift it was a cheap one

i was more alarmed by the crows feet under her eyes, they spread from the tear trough to her ears.

sour faced puss she is anyway, so if she has been tweaked i can only think of the old saying you cant make a silk purse out of a pigs ear.

the botox fairy has definatly paid a visit ot two tho

And obviously needs to pay more visits.

I was watching her yesterday and was amazed at the crows feet - looked more like crows nest to me :11:
lol where a cookoo has laid its eggs

hehe :giggle:

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