'Beauty Therapists' Voices....


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Gobby, and the guest presenters (sorry don't know their names :confused:) from Elemis, Decleor and L'Occitane all have the most annoying voices, is this compulsory in this line of work. :tongue:
They don't bother me - better that than the "little girl" type voice employed by some.
I do find that Fiona and Keeley do begin to grate after a while - although not half as bad as that old trout, Alison Young. Perhaps they could get some elocution lessons from Julia, as she seems to be trying to put on a more refined voice recently. :cheeky: As an aside, it was nice to watch the French Beauty Tour lastnight without having to suffer the constant shrieking and interruptions from the said Ms Young :clapping:
Gobby, and the guest presenters (sorry don't know their names :confused:) from Elemis, Decleor and L'Occitane all have the most annoying voices, is this compulsory in this line of work. :tongue:

Totally agree with you. I think the OPI/Philosophy guest presenters also have annoying voices - it's not that they sound terrible but just very lifeless and dull. Perfect if they wanted to hypnotise anyone but they don't keep me awake so I could spend :sleepy:
I think it's the Liz Earle therapist who always sends me to sleep. Have never heard such a low, monotonous voice on a woman before!:sleepy:
They want to get Victoria Wood on there doing her 'World of Sacherelle' monologue...

Imagine one of the Therapists on Le Q while you read:

'Welcome to the World of Sacherelle. This is Madeline speakin'. I'm over by the escalators, between the Health Bar and the Toupees. Wendy an' myself are just about to give a demonstration of Sacarelle's new Autumn range of cosmetics an' skincare preperations. So if any lady would care to step up to the counter, that's right behind the escalator and the toupees, Wendy will be very happy to give the lady a free make up. And I must stress that it IS free, totally free of charge, whichsoever. Course, any lady or gentleman wishing to purchase from the Sacharelle range we have a special offer on special offer. A free gift coming to you with any purchase worth £36 or more. Free gist comprises suede effect poshette packed to the drawstring with handy sized oddments. Total in mouth blot, eye wipe and shimmering cleavage enhancer. Wendy (that's her over there in the orange boiler suit) came hot foot to us from the Geneva School of Sterilised Blackhead Popping and is itching, nay - slavering to get her mits on one of you..and I must stress to you that it is medically, nay clinically unheard of for Wendy's eczema and Wendy's ringworm to flare up at one and the same time...So this is Madeleine asking for the last time for one friggin' volunteer! Will you drag your bums up please - to the magical piggin' World of Sacherelle....'

I think it's the Liz Earle therapist who always sends me to sleep. Have never heard such a low, monotonous voice on a woman before!:sleepy:

I agree, that voice is dreadful with no modulation at all. I can't listen to her.
Hissing Liz Earle grates on me,the way she whistles her s's

Fiona,Keeley and the Alpha h woman aaarrrghhhh rabbit,rabbit,rabbit!!!!!

Sorry to all Claire lovers, but that accent is contrived,false,whiney and completely ott in my humble opinion...far worse than any of the others because it just feels like she's working so hard to be bubbly and girly and cheeky.I am not knocking her as a person,she is probably lovely.
Cavegirl I haven't heard the Sacharelle sketch for years and years! Used to quote it at school as I have the same name as Ms Wood's fabulous therapist. Didn't her make-up shades come "in all colours of the speculum"?!! Wonderful stuff.

My Mum works in an FE college which has students of beauty therapy and they term themselves 'beauty terrorists'...
Cavegirl I haven't heard the Sacharelle sketch for years and years! Used to quote it at school as I have the same name as Ms Wood's fabulous therapist. Didn't her make-up shades come "in all colours of the speculum"?!! Wonderful stuff.

My Mum works in an FE college which has students of beauty therapy and they term themselves 'beauty terrorists'...

Oh gosh! I'd forgotten the 'all shades of the speculum' bit, I only had half of the script in my book and couldn't find it on YouTube!

It's just a wonderful monologue.

I went to a beauty salon years ago where all the therapists called themselves beauty terrorists! I was having electrolysis at the time and after the mess the woman made of my face I can only concur :wink: hee hee!

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