We've had a lot of funny threads about the crap we've bought and the times we've spent a fortune on stuff to find out it's not up to scratch...but today I got a proper bargain. Yes it's a dress, and yes I know I'm supposed to be doing the one in one out, but I think I'll make an exception today. I was browsing the charity shops earlier looking for a cheap folding chair as my computer chairs a bit tatty, when this dress caught my eye, and I thought wow that looks like something you'd see in the fashion pages of one of the Sunday supplements. A closer inspection showed it was brand new with tags and they wanted £15 for it ( A considered purchase for a charity shop), so I googled it and the brand is hugely expensive (M.A.B.E) and this dress is £160 normally. It was size S and normally I'd go for medium but it's a baggy loose fit, so bought it 'cause I was told I could return it within 28 days if it didn't fit....Got it home and it's bloody perfect!!!! Well chuffed, all I need is a nice summer's day! £15 would just about get you half a vest top from the likes of MW!!!
Bargains anyone?!!!!
Bargains anyone?!!!!