Bank Holiday Boredom


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Registered Shopper
Jul 8, 2008
Wow, how dull is the line-up for the bank holiday weekend? I guess this is why the AA are warning us to prepare for chaos on the roads - all those people getting away for their tv sets :D
Sorry to all craft fans out there but .....:24:

I would rather be outdoors enjoying the lovely weather (fingers crossed).
Sorry to all craft fans out there but .....:24:

I would rather be outdoors enjoying the lovely weather (fingers crossed).

Indeed. I always thought that the idea of a shopping channel is that you can sit back and shop with them. QVC should know by now that they're not an entertainment channel or craft workshop. If QVC want us to sit back and buy then they need to give us products that we want to buy! I can't imagine that even the most die hard crafters among us are actually going to sit and watch an entire day of it, especially on a public holiday. They must be missing out on thousands of pounds worth of orders that would be heading their way if they had better shows on. If I was out shopping on the high street, I wouldn't spend my entire day just in one shop, which only sells one range of products. I'd be all over the place buying lots of different items. I wonder how many shoppers would visit a mall which only had one shop in it! I wish QVC's buyers would realise this.
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Indeed. I always thought that the idea of a shopping channel is that you can sit back and shop with them. QVC should know by now that they're not an entertainment channel or craft workshop. If QVC want us to sit back and buy then they need to give us products that we want to buy! I can't imagine that even the most die hard crafters among us are actually going to sit and watch an entire day of it, especially on a public holiday. They must be missing out on thousands of pounds worth of orders that would be heading their way if they had better shows on. If I was out shopping on the high street, I wouldn't spend my entire day just in one shop, which only sells one range of products. I'd be all over the place buying lots of different items. I wonder how many shoppers would visit a mall which only had one shop in it! I wish QVC's buyers would realise this.
If these themed days weren't successful then they wouldn't keep having them.
Sorry to all craft fans out there but .....:24:

I would rather be outdoors enjoying the lovely weather (fingers crossed).

Thats where you'll find me as well :60:

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