AY's Face Cake!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
Did anyone see this moment last night? During her anniversary show - Sarah Chapman kindly brought Ali a cupcake with '15' iced on to it. Ali thanked her and said she would eat it during the breaks.

Cut to next break - which ends and camera cuts to Ali scoffing said cake, Dickie the floor manager sneaks in and basically smashes the cake into her face (!) it floored AY for a few moments - she took it in really good spirits I must say and couldn't carry on because she was laughing so much. She had chocolate all over her face, and everyone was just in stitches laughing:smirk:.

So, I guess what goes around comes around - all those time she's hit, slapped and pulled guest's hair bit her on the bum cheeks last night in one glorious moment. (although if I was Sarah Chapman I would be a leeetle beet annoyed that a gift I'd bought for someone was wasted...)

However, I salute you Dickie! :giggle: and you too AY for being a good sport...
I thought it was hilarious and showed AY in a very good light. Bless her.

The Skinwash guest was a bit of a stuffed dummy though wasn't she?

It's live TV! When a mishap befalls your fellow presenter I thought the SOP was to fill the dead air whilst helping said presenter recover their composure?

Not sit there mute ...Just waiting....

*tumbleweeds* :grin:
Yep! I agree. I altered my opinion of AY because it showed she could take things in good humour...as for the guest, yep - she was at a loss what to do...she laughed a bit then just sat there like a lump o'balsa...:wink:
Very funny and had me in stitches! Shows that she does have a sense of humour and that maybe the floor manager did what we've all always wanted to do to her to shut her up!!

No doubt it will become a YouTube classic!

Even though I do find AY irritating at times, I still quite like her because she's got a sense of humour and can be very funny. Don't think everyone 'gets' her which is why she sometimes comes over rude or bossy with the guests, but if she's on with a guest who has a strong personality and is up for a laugh (Mally or LG spring to mind) it makes for a great entertainment.

I saw the cake thing last night, and it was very funny - I wasn't really watching just heard loads of hysterical laughter so had to rewind to see what the hell had happened!

glad other people found it funny too, was half expecting loads of posts about childishness/unprofessionalism...
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Tee hee, well done Alison, loved how her voice went up a few octaves and the guest didn't really know what to say!
Is the video anywhere else yet? All I get via FB is "Privacy check failed. You may not see that." Charming!
I've always liked Alison. I think she'd be great fun to know. She's a tomboy at heart and it sometimes surprises me that she's in the beauty industry.
I know she's sometimes a bit ott but I honestly think there's no malice in her whatsoever.
Stay as you are Alison, you're ok!:clapping:
I think Alison may have been reading this forum, she look very refreshing last night, wondered whether she may have lost a bit of weight. glad she took the cake in the face in good spirit, may be people will now stop slating her on this forum
I think Alison may have been reading this forum, she look very refreshing last night, wondered whether she may have lost a bit of weight. glad she took the cake in the face in good spirit, may be people will now stop slating her on this forum

There's very little chance of that I should imagine! :wink:

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