AY- more ridiculous statements...


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I was watching recordings of the LG shows this morning and could NOT believe AY and her ridiculous nonsense!

When presenting the waterproof eyeliners she said that because they have skincare ingredients etc they are ideal for anyone who suffers from 'red or inflamed' eyes!! Is she, a 'qualified' expert in all areas of the known universe, seriously suggesting that you put on eyeliner if your eyes are inflamed?! I thought this was a very irresponsible thing to say.

Then later she said something on the lines of, why battle through floods etc when you have QVC to deliver things to your door? Given what some poor folk have been through in the last few weeks, losing everything including their homes etc I thought this was a very insensitive remark to make. The floods were not just a minor inconvenience to interfere with peoples' shopping habits, for many they were completely devastating and I think it's very thoughtless of her to make a throwaway remark like that.

In fact I may send this ranty e-mail to QVC...

Darn I missed it, though if there is a show on that I want stuff from and she is presenting then I use the mute button so I generally miss the beauties they come out with.

I agree though that they should be more aware of what they are saying especially about medical things like inflamed eyes.
Some of them come out with real corkers when it is totally inappropriate and they should know better but it is live TV so the occasional slip-up and offensive remark is bound to happen. Having said that though this IS there job and they should be (by now) able to get there brain in order BEFORE engaging their mouths.
how does AY think the postman or courier is going to deliver an item if there's a flood? silly mare.
how does AY think the postman or courier is going to deliver an item if there's a flood? silly mare.

Well yeah, I thought of that too!! But it was more the insensitivity of making that kind of comment that got to me.

Have sent this to QVC, am expecting the usual stock reply.

I don't understand AY's obsession with people working as nurses or in care homes. They don't need "special" make-up but she keeps going on about how certain products would be being ideal for nurses :rolleyes: I feel like phoning in and say I have to go into laboratories (which she hasn't covered LOL), can I use Laura Geller, Smash-box etc or would this affect my ability to do my job :p
I don't understand AY's obsession with people working as nurses or in care homes. They don't need "special" make-up but she keeps going on about how certain products would be being ideal for nurses :rolleyes: I feel like phoning in and say I have to go into laboratories (which she hasn't covered LOL), can I use Laura Geller, Smash-box etc or would this affect my ability to do my job :p

Same goes for new mums and people doing shifts! Apparently regular makeup just doesn't cut it for these people so they need something special which also happens to be what she's flogging at the time.

Had to laugh at Chuntley the other day extolling the virtues of ready to use false eyelashes as using glue is SUCH a faff and really, who can be bothered? Cue the next item which was a set of lashes complete with glue. Such backtracking!! :p

Well, unsurprisingly here is the generic reply back from QVC...

'Good Afternoon

With reference your e-mail regarding Alison Young beauty show. Alison's comments regarding the eye make up were aimed more at people who have sensitive eyes and find it difficult to wear eye liner.

The comments regarding the flooding were in no way meant to offend the people across the country that are suffering at present due to theadverseweather conditions. The remark was meant to suggest it is more convenient and comfortable to shop from the comfort of your own home. I will pass on your comments and concerns to the relevant department.'

If AY meant 'sensitive' eyes she should say 'sensitive' not 'red and inflamed'!! A bit of common sense would go a long way before she opens her mouth methinks...
Well, unsurprisingly here is the generic reply back from QVC...

'Good Afternoon

With reference your e-mail regarding Alison Young beauty show. Alison's comments regarding the eye make up were aimed more at people who have sensitive eyes and find it difficult to wear eye liner.

The comments regarding the flooding were in no way meant to offend the people across the country that are suffering at present due to theadverseweather conditions. The remark was meant to suggest it is more convenient and comfortable to shop from the comfort of your own home. I will pass on your comments and concerns to the relevant department.'

If AY meant 'sensitive' eyes she should say 'sensitive' not 'red and inflamed'!! A bit of common sense would go a long way before she opens her mouth methinks...

Typical response.
Have had a look at a few minutes of the LG shows to get a flavour of Gobby's latest nonsense, and decided I'd seen enough when she said, "Literally, doctors and nurses buy Laura Gellar make-up..." She failed to follow up with a) how she knew this b) why they made this shopping choice c) what the hell the ****** point was d) what she is literally on to make such actual ridiculous comments.
Are we to take it that when certain people place an order with QVC they relate to the CS person processing the order that they are a doctor or nurse and that only LG make-up cuts it in such a cut-throat, literally, cosmetic environment? Well, call me gullible, but I believe it, don't you?

May I just point out that from now on I shall be known as the real mystic Meg, since I have been using the example of Jeanette Kranky to illustrate AY's celebrity name-dropping for quite some time now. I await with baited breath the other names I mentioned along the way, Sir Jimmy Saville, Debbie McGee, the chaps from that up and coming boy-band, Showaddywaddy, Paul Daniels.....
I know many peeps agree she is rude but I was left speechless when LG was telling some long involved story about how the colour of a lippy came about but she never got to finish it, she was just cut off for no reason ie break, stock update anything remotely relevant while AY yakked about something else.
Am also mystified by the medical people buy LG, they buy actual toothpaste and toilet cleaner too but what bearing that has on my shopping habits is something I cannot explain.

Yo you forgot Jim Bowen, Bonnie Tyler, Russ Abbott (and Paul Costelloe) :D
I agree - AY is extremely annoying. I think the reference to doctors and nurses is because they are literally such busy people who work long hours, literally, awkward shifts, and find the make-up so easy that they literally use it every day LOL!

I do think that AY talks a load of rubbish sometimes. She seems very hung up on new Mums using LG make-up too, as if it will miraculously help them get a full night's sleep, feed the baby and clean the house all by itself.

However, I do have to agree, that whenever I was a new Mum, I always felt much better when I got dressed first thing in the morning, and put some make-up on, so maybe AY has a point!
May I just point out that from now on I shall be known as the real mystic Meg, since I have been using the example of Jeanette Kranky to illustrate AY's celebrity name-dropping for quite some time now. I await with baited breath the other names I mentioned along the way, Sir Jimmy Saville, Debbie McGee, the chaps from that up and coming boy-band, Showaddywaddy, Paul Daniels.....

and don't forget Roger De Courcy and Nookie Bear - L'Occitane Shea Butter Hand Cream solved the problem of De Courcy's bear chafe wrist from having his hand rammed up a stuffed toy's ar$e for so many years...

and Benny from Crossroads - SBC Arnica Gel soothed the itchy rash he got on his forehead from years of woolly hat abuse...

and last but not least - I believe that woman from the advert with the man from the other thing, d'ya remember - that sitcom? It was ever so funny - he did lots of things with stuff and there were loads of people from other things in it...well, she SWEARS by Gatineau Defi Lift and if QVC don't stock it, she just nips to Boots for Zinc and Castor Oil instead, cos it's just as good, innit?
Ay has a thing about teachers not being able to wear colours as well. I used to wear red or dark nail varnish every day. Her other favourite is if you take LE products into hospital the nurses will sit and tell you how much they love them. Sorry last time i was in hospital they were too busy rushing around providing medical care to give a toss what products i had.
She really has to stop making ridiculous statements and claims as a way to sell the products. The fact of the matter is if you like it you'll buy it regardless of whether janette Krankie, Beyonce or Cheryl Cole wear it.
and don't forget roger de courcy and nookie bear - l'occitane shea butter hand cream solved the problem of de courcy's bear chafe wrist from having his hand rammed up a stuffed toy's ar$e for so many years...

And benny from crossroads - sbc arnica gel soothed the itchy rash he got on his forehead from years of woolly hat abuse...

And last but not least - i believe that woman from the advert with the man from the other thing, d'ya remember - that sitcom? It was ever so funny - he did lots of things with stuff and there were loads of people from other things in it...well, she swears by gatineau defi lift and if qvc don't stock it, she just nips to boots for zinc and castor oil instead, cos it's just as good, innit?

:d :d :d :d
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