AY hair...GOOD GOD!!!


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Mar 7, 2010
Watching the ojon tsv show last night and utterly shocked at the state of AY's hair!!! How the producers can seriously let her on air spouting on about how great ojon is (and she knows as the resident beauty expert of X years bla bla bla) with hair in such an appalling state as hers is!!! I personally love the range and find it to be really great but if I was a new viewer or seeing the range for the 1st time, I'd take one look at her say NO WAY am I buying that...She resembles worzel gummage with the cut and condition of hair at the moment..I read here some say she's suffering from a thyroid issue which affects her hair..well so do I but that is the worst haircut I've ever seen so nothing to do with thyroid... Seriously let someone else do the shows about hair products until she's sorted it out..Denis must've been mortified...
Oooo!!! I actually thought that her hair was shiny for once!! I know the cut does nothing for her though.
Lots of shine I thought but the cut is appalling. Its very uneven. I do feel sorry for her actually as I think she is beginning to struggle with this thyroid condition. And that will play havoc with the hair but she needs to have serious words with her hairdresser.

It seems that all of a sudden her thyroid problems have caught up with her. She may be going into peri menopause as well.
She has said she has had the same hairdresser for years. AY used to tell us the hairdresser was a mobile hairdresser and a personal friend. Really think she should go to a different hairdresser and get a total makeover cut wise.

Usually with thyroid your hair gets really thin, which does not seem to be what is happening with AY. I have thyroid problems and I am lucky as my hair is still in great condition. Oh and I am going through the menopause too.
I had problems a couple of years back that I was getting slightly thinner on top because of the menopause. Luckily it was only temporary & my hair is OK now but I do think some of it was down to using products like Aveda, MOP & Ojon. I haven't used OTC products now for about 15 years ever since AY got me started on Shampure.
My thyroid went from underactive to overactive and hair changed accordingly..from phases of lots of thick coarse vry dry breaking hair to hair loss & baby fine limp and very thin hair... so understand how demoralising it can be..but any hairdresser worth their salt could cut it to give movement & body and make the most of it...I had to get mine cut short a bit like AY and now wear extensions while it's starting to grow back and recover....but her cut is just so bad....all i'm saying is that if someone wants the world to believe theyre a beauty expert at the top of their game, they can't in all sincerity go on tv like that.... even the jessica simpson extensions could temporarily help her get through the transition phase of that bad haircut...
Watching the ojon tsv show last night and utterly shocked at the state of AY's hair!!! How the producers can seriously let her on air spouting on about how great ojon is (and she knows as the resident beauty expert of X years bla bla bla) with hair in such an appalling state as hers is!!! I personally love the range and find it to be really great but if I was a new viewer or seeing the range for the 1st time, I'd take one look at her say NO WAY am I buying that...She resembles worzel gummage with the cut and condition of hair at the moment..I read here some say she's suffering from a thyroid issue which affects her hair..well so do I but that is the worst haircut I've ever seen so nothing to do with thyroid... Seriously let someone else do the shows about hair products until she's sorted it out..Denis must've been mortified...

After all that I had to check out the TSV video to see exactly how hideous she was and dunno planet you're on but her hair looked perfectly OK to me, really shiny infact! :taphead:
Have to say I didnt think her hair looked that bad it was certainly very shiny. I dont think she is looking at all well lately but last night she did look better than I have seen her recently
I see AY quite often round and about here and her hair looks lovely in real life, as does her skin.

Can't comment on her dress sense though, only ever seen her in joddies
OK, anyone else have this image in their head when they saw Alison?!


  • monica.jpg
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Hair no better today. The layers are really uneven. I don't think she spends enough attention when she is blowdrying it & the powers that be at QVC really do need to have a word.

Years back she was a good advertisement for the products she flogged but shes loosing it definately.
If you are selling hair products it just makes sense to put someone on with great hair. Her hair is shiney but it isn't great. Do the presenters do their own hair before going on air? If so, then some of them do a great job. If there is a resident hair stylist maybe some presenters arrive too late for the necessary 'bouffing'.
No they do it themselves I think. Well I hope they do it themsleves because if they do have a stylist they should be shot

Anne Dawson & unfortunatlery Kathy Taylor is another whose hair looks a right old mess at times. And lets not leave out JF.:mysmilie_505:
i think it looks better today as the hair is flicked outwards. it looks like a riding helmet hugging her head when the hair is blow dried towards her jawline.:whew:
Would be better cut into a neat bob, or am I being very off trend?

The bob never goes out of trend (she says, purely because that is the style I am currently sporting :wink: )

I think her hair is at least looking clean and shiny at the moment - the haircut is, to quote my dear Father - 'a right knife and fork job'. But if she has health problems it is bound to take its toll upon her skin/hair etc. No amount of prestigous luxurious literal actual formula and ingredient will help.

I thought she actually looked really nice in the little black dress in the Smashbox hour just now - very understated.
I just wish she wouldn't wear SO much blusher. Yesterday in the Smashbox hours she looked like someone had smacked her face - maybe they had!!!
I wish she wouldn't wear clothes with such tight sleeves over her upper arms. I sometimes wonder if her fingers are going to turn purple from the circulation being cut off. I know she's been told cover up the tops of her arms, but there surely has to be a more flattering design available to her? Or does she just have ham hocks up there, from all that riding?
I too think AY should change her hairstylist -however I prefer it currently, compared to her long locks that were dragging her down.I imagine that when her hair is cut,shaped and blow dried - its actually very nice - AY just strikes me as someone who can't style her own hair when left to her own devices - or can't be bothered:down:
She's sporting a 70s feather cut today, good job the colourful kaftan diverts attention away from it.

Jude xx

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