Awkward questions!


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Why is shouty and annoying Abbi still on techy shows?

Why does Claire talk like a Telly Tubby?

Why do certain Fakebook and so called bloggers get all the Freebies all the time?

Why do you not show more respect and loyalty to long term customers?

Could go on :mysmilie_506::mysmilie_500:
"Jill, could you tell us why you have that bloody great bulldog clip in your back?"

"Claire, why do you need to keep flicking your hair, when nit shampoo is so readily available across the counter?"

"Debbie, I have an industry standard size 12 dress here - would you mind slipping into it, so that we can see how it looks on?" ("What's that you say, Debs? Do I have a size 16 with me?")

OMG have never seen the JF bulldog clip...until now! Surely wardrobe could pop a few tacks in,wear a belt or secure discreetly with a safety pin? Whenever I see DF she's always squeezed into leggings& tops reminds me of sausages, just image the relief when she's strips off:mysmilie_466:
Why doesn't Jill Franks either dye her hair to match or eyebrows, or dye her eyebrows to match her hair?
Why doesn't she have her hair cut in a different style, grow her fringe back or clip it back to stop that constant bloody flicking all the time?
Why doesn't she look radiant if she has such a strict skincare routine? ( I'm not being bitchy, I'm just stating what I see
If you use all of the products, love them, they're on your dressing table at the moment, why do you have to ask the presenter how to use them?

Why does Craig Rowe sometimes wear lots of lip gloss?!
Why does he keep fluffing his lines? I don't watch him much anymore as he gets on my wick but every time I see him he makes a cock up!

Julia, why do you dress like Max Wall?
Why do you exclude everyone who isn't on Twatter (not a spelling mistake in my world) on your shows, asking for Tweets & ignoring people like myself who text into shows? (Debbie Flint encourages everyone to join in & always shows texts)
Why do you always have to tell us all how many compliments you have had about your hair, top you're wearing, make-up etc & always make sure you read at least one twatter message saying how beautiful you look on air? (it's not going to make us buy it just because you use it)
Why do you bother having a model when doing jewellery shows when you insist on having first pick of the items & insisting the camera is on you?
Why don't you wear clothes that fit you & your chesticles so that you look better & slimmer?

Chuntley, how many times do you look at yourself in the mirror?
How many free products do you get for gushing over products?
Why don't you do more work on stage, plays etc as it's quite obvious you love the limelight & showing off so you could go back to your roots & enjoy all that attention again?
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So many questions!!!

My best ones (leaving aside anything to do with P&P):
To the website team - Why don't you bother to have all products photographed properly for the website (not all options photographed, or photographed without showing detail)?
To the warehouse - Please can we have a tour of your returns checking department where you thoroughly ensure items are in a fit state to be sent out to customers?
To presenters - Why do you think viewers are interested in you and your doings rather than the products on-air?
To the presenters - Why have you discontinued doing thorough presentations of the products you are selling?
To the producers - When did you decide that viewers don't need any information about the products displayed on screen, nor any information about sizes etc given by the presenters, and would rather see and hear about twitter posts?
To the warehouse system team - Why do you change the names of the colours/patterns from what the brand has given you?
To the website team - Why do you sort foundation shades alphabetically rather than in colour depth order (your US colleagues can manage it, so why can't you)?

Was watching some beauty videos on Youtube, and one video led to another (as they do!) and came across this one with Caroline Hirons being interviewed by Sali Hughes. It's 18 months old, but there's a very interesting bit at around 43 minutes in where she talks about her experiences on QVC. If their sales spikes are anything to go by, it would appear that we are very much alone in not wanting to hear about the presenters lives! I guess it's all part of establishing a rapport with the viewers, and making them feel part of the "QVC family" :)dull:), which - as we all know - is in fact no more than a cynical ploy to part us from our cash!
That was really interesting. I quite liked her. As we probably all thought, it shows just how closely the sales are monitored throughout the spiel. I would LOVE to hear what they gallery say through the presenters' earpieces.

If it's chubby brunettes that sell the best, that might explain why Julia Roberts is so highly revered. But what about scrawny Jill Franks? How is she still on there? I would say that her feigned "I use this / I love this / I simply couldn't LIVE without this..." is a very staged way of trying to relate to people. That she does it with absolutely next to no sincerity whatsoever begs her success to be called into question. I think when she says: "I need you on those 'phones" she probably does mean it and it is just a little bit desperate.
That was really interesting. I quite liked her. As we probably all thought, it shows just how closely the sales are monitored throughout the spiel. I would LOVE to hear what they gallery say through the presenters' earpieces.

If it's chubby brunettes that sell the best, that might explain why Julia Roberts is so highly revered. But what about scrawny Jill Franks? How is she still on there? I would say that her feigned "I use this / I love this / I simply couldn't LIVE without this..." is a very staged way of trying to relate to people. That she does it with absolutely next to no sincerity whatsoever begs her success to be called into question. I think when she says: "I need you on those 'phones" she probably does mean it and it is just a little bit desperate.

If she needs us on the phone is would not be Q I would be ringing but the Samaritans....
Absolutely. I would personally be more likely to buy if they were honest and stopped giving all these completely untrue stories, such as how many thousand pounds more you could pay elsewhere - we aren't stupid and know when we're being lied to. OK, they are salespeople and I'm not expecting any of them to come on and say a product is total crap, but how about occasionally cutting out all the sweeping statements such as "EVERYONE will look wonderful in THIS colour/style". Pointing out what colours/styles of clothing look good with what hair colour/skin tone/body shape is fine, and how about being honest about the sizing and lengths of clothes? And for Gawd's sake cut the stories about family and friends, daughter being a doctor, etc. etc.

Why are all your presenters under the illusion that they are some kind of celebrity?They are tv shop assistants there to do a job.
and why all the lies ?Most of us are very intelligent and see through them.
Whilst JF is a bit me me me, other than a bit about girlfriends (just to change the record from me) and the odd mention of Larry we never here about the family, I don't think I have ever heard her mention her parents (even if deceased like JR mentions her late dad) or any siblings. Whilst I have no interest whatsoever in the presenters families it is odd that someone never ever says anything even just in passing.

Maybe she is as fed up as the rest of us with our Sophie/Becks/Honey Bea she has decided never to do the same but I doubt that Jill would miss the selling opportunities.
I totally agree HM, every single article on sale will appeal to someone/type so that is what they should major on together with correct sizes etc not a load of who shot John trying to make out that everything is for everyone.

Julia did this in the early days and still does it occasionally, just heard her say that if your calf is ..... perhaps this may not suit you. I suppose she doesn't have to prove her sales figures as much as the others.
That was really interesting. I quite liked her. As we probably all thought, it shows just how closely the sales are monitored throughout the spiel. I would LOVE to hear what they gallery say through the presenters' earpieces.

If it's chubby brunettes that sell the best, that might explain why Julia Roberts is so highly revered. But what about scrawny Jill Franks? How is she still on there? I would say that her feigned "I use this / I love this / I simply couldn't LIVE without this..." is a very staged way of trying to relate to people. That she does it with absolutely next to no sincerity whatsoever begs her success to be called into question. I think when she says: "I need you on those 'phones" she probably does mean it and it is just a little bit desperate.

The chubby brunette thing may be why Debbie always says she's a size 14+ rather than the 12 she looks like?
Ali Keenan why do you always fiddle with your wedding and engagement ring, when on a jewellery show.
Jill Franks - why do you always grasp/claw your fingers when ever you are presenting.
Why do you say "I've only got" 3 left of whatever, It's not YOUR stuff!
Ali Keenan why do you always fiddle with your wedding and engagement ring, when on a jewellery show.
Jill Franks - why do you always grasp/claw your fingers when ever you are presenting.
Why do you say "I've only got" 3 left of whatever, It's not YOUR stuff!

I'm glad somebody else has noticed the graspy, snatchy, clawing movements. I thought I was imagining it. I hereby dedicate this song to Jill Franks:
Why do you refer to the fabrication when it is fabric?

It's the correct term in the fashion industry.

"Fabrication is the act of taking raw stock material and turning it into a part for use in an assembly process. There are many different types of fabrication processes.

Understanding clothing fabrication requires knowledge of many factors, including materials, sewing techniques, design principles, and more."

So when they refer to the fabrication they're talking about not just the fabric itself, but the way the design uses it and the way it's been sewn.
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It's the correct term in the fashion industry.

"Fabrication is the act of taking raw stock material and turning it into a part for use in an assembly process. There are many different types of fabrication processes.

Understanding clothing fabrication requires knowledge of many factors, including materials, sewing techniques, design principles, and more."

So when they refer to the fabrication they're talking about not just the fabric itself, but the way the design uses it and the way it's been sewn.

Yes you're right but I prefer the alternative definition of fabrication - a lie.
Yes you're right but I prefer the alternative definition of fabrication - a lie.

You may prefer it, but it has no relevance in this context. You asked why they use the term. They use it because it's correct, I.e. it's true, not a lie.
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Chubby Brunettes, what next?

Can't think of any Presenters in this category, Debbie is a redhead!
Maybe Kathy T? :mysmilie_17:

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