Awful Ann Dawson on Liz Earle Show


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Jun 18, 2012
Oh my goodness! She won't shut UP! I was thinking about buying this TSV but I'm actually not going to because she is getting on my nerves. She looks terrible - like a gaunt gypsy fortune teller with oversize glasses, hoopy earrings and morticia nail varnish a la Uma Thurman 1994! Caroline Archer is like a mini Liz Earle clone. They keep talking about "gifting." Not it's NOT! It's "GIVING!" GET IT RIGHT! Oh :( I might have to tune out!
I tuned in couldn't believe what I was seeing and promptly changed channel. It seems strange to still have a TSV at that time of day............ remember a few years back when they would have sold out before lunch.
Ann Dawson said that they had fewer than 1,000 units left this afternoon, but she annoyed me so much with her harsh, whiny voice and continual blethering, I just found my blood pressure going up. I know that she tries to come across as sincere, but her voice is just naturally shrill, taking shrillness to a higher plane! Lorraine Kelly she ain't! That and trying to order the pendant and failing miderably, and not being able to go out on bike as was raining. I don't feel well :(
Oh well at least we won't have to see Caroline "Liz Earle mini-me" Archer for a while then! I can see why Liz "I've got a home on the Isle of Wight" Earle employed her! She embodies many aspects of her appearance and personality. I have got a whole bottle of the Instant Boost Skin Tonic. I actually can't stand the smell of it so if anyone wants it, let me know and I'll send it to you.
I also watched for a minute or two and had to turn off - that was after trying turning down the volume but that AD screech continued. Just not the same without Liz anyway.
Oh well at least we won't have to see Caroline "Liz Earle mini-me" Archer for a while then! I can see why Liz "I've got a home on the Isle of Wight" Earle employed her! She embodies many aspects of her appearance and personality. I have got a whole bottle of the Instant Boost Skin Tonic. I actually can't stand the smell of it so if anyone wants it, let me know and I'll send it to you.

Julius, I'd happily give the Skin Tonic a home, I love it!

Ann was even worse than usual today, she kept talking over guests, the height of bad manners if you ask me!
Anne Dawson was so hyper on the Liz Earle hour, she was acting like a woman deranged. I was actually quite shocked she was being allowed to act that way, it was as if she had taken something before she went on air, I am not saying she did of course but she was so over the top. and How many times did she mention her niece and all the boys in her house who love cleanse and Polish?. She drove me up the wall. She was bad enough in the Emu hour before that, but was even worse in the LE hour.
She even said herself she was "hyperventilating" over the TSV, her words not mine.
Even the usual gobby Caroline couldn't get a word in because AD took over the whole show.
I quite like Anne, I don't find her voice annoying at all. I guess I can see why it would be found objectionable, though. I'd take Anne talking over Catherine any day though, I can't watch the latter at all as I find her voice unbearable. Literally the most horrid voice I've ever heard.
I quite like Anne, I don't find her voice annoying at all. I guess I can see why it would be found objectionable, though. I'd take Anne talking over Catherine any day though, I can't watch the latter at all as I find her voice unbearable. Literally the most horrid voice I've ever heard.

Really?? Catherine does talk nonsense but the tone of her voice is quite bearable, Dawson is akin to nails down a blackboard - the sound of her sets my teeth on edge and makes my hairs stand on end. I simply will not watch her anymore.
Catherine strikes me as someone who's had speech training to lower the pitch of her speaking voice, it sounds kind of self-conscious, a bit like a "telephone voice". She's no Lauren Bacall by any stretch of the imagination! It would be hilarious if someone got her drunk before going on air and for her "real" voice to slip out with every sentence ending with "innit?"

It's difficult to re-introduce sincere-sounding expression into your voice if you're forcing yourself to speak at a lower pitch than comes naturally; I think Caroline Archer (Liz Earle clone) is another one who comes across as monotone and insincere at times because of this.
Really?? Catherine does talk nonsense but the tone of her voice is quite bearable, Dawson is akin to nails down a blackboard - the sound of her sets my teeth on edge and makes my hairs stand on end. I simply will not watch her anymore.

Fair enough, I do get the impression it's just me who finds Catherine's voice horrendous. Well, my fiance does too but I've never heard/read anyone else say they objected to it. We have to mute/switch off as soon as we see her, she sounds so repugnant. I wouldn't say I love Anne's voice but it doesn't annoy me at all. Ah well, vive la difference.
I quite like Anne, I don't find her voice annoying at all. I guess I can see why it would be found objectionable, though. I'd take Anne talking over Catherine any day though, I can't watch the latter at all as I find her voice unbearable. Literally the most horrid voice I've ever heard.

What is it about her voice that you you dislike so much? I think she comes across as though she's trying to sounds like molten toffee, but it does sound a bit contrived.
I'd like to hear them down town on a night out. Then you'd hear how they really sound. Actually, you probably wouldn't because nobody would be heard above the shouting.

Aren't they taught to speak naturally instead of either screeching, smarming or being cutesy?
Wasn't she awful,Caroline couldn't get a word in edgeways, as usual it was all about her and her family. Wish they would get rid of her.
I watched this for 20 minutes or so.
It was not her voice that was the (main) problem - it was the fact that she was just gabbling on and on and on, in a high pitched hyper voice.
It made me think that she must be on some desperate end-of-month commission sales drive or something, but surely if that was true you have seriously lucked out by getting a really decent LE TSV, for Xmas, on easy pay - the blooming thing was selling itself it didn't need any encouragement!
Caroline tried to speak a few times but that just made Ann louder. I really did think someone should be telling her to calm down in her ear, it was bordering on hysterical.
This is when her voice then gets on your nerves on top of this.
What is it about her voice that you you dislike so much? I think she comes across as though she's trying to sounds like molten toffee, but it does sound a bit contrived.

I really don't know how to explain or describe it to be honest, it's a weird one. It's sort of... crumbly or crunchy? Like a sort of gravelly croon, if that makes any sense. Lol, I just asked my fiance if he could put it into words any better and he said her voice reminds him of yogurt.

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