'Awaiting Stock'......eh?


Help Support ShoppingTelly:


Registered Shopper
Mar 7, 2009
Ordered a couple of items (identical) on cheque hold, after a few days changed payment to card, all OK, then the very next morning look on order status & it says they're 'awaiting stock'? Huh? Where's my two then, where did they go?
Not sure whether or not to cancel now, jewellery items, so don't want to end up with other peoples' returns! :(
Hmmm....so they're playing a bit fast and loose with the cheque hold items are they? That's a bit naughty isn't it? :(
Hmmm....so they're playing a bit fast and loose with the cheque hold items are they? That's a bit naughty isn't it? :(

I rarely order anything on cheque hold (& can't actually remember why I did now - maybe so I could cancel them easier if LH appeared in a cloud of fire & brimstone or something! lol)

Bloomin' cheek, they was mine, I tells ya and the money's come off my available bank balance! Ah, stuff 'em, I shall phone them up & tell 'em where to stick 'em I think! :mysmilie_73:
I rarely order anything on cheque hold (& can't actually remember why I did now - maybe so I could cancel them easier if LH appeared in a cloud of fire & brimstone or something! lol)

Bloomin' cheek, they was mine, I tells ya and the money's come off my available bank balance! Ah, stuff 'em, I shall phone them up & tell 'em where to stick 'em I think! :mysmilie_73:

you go girl. They've already had Almerinda and i complaining today.
I bloomin' will, blinkin' nerve, flogging my fings to some other oik! *glares*

Not surprised you've complained, still no sign of your Elemis TSV then?

No,:mysmilie_73::mysmilie_73: i'm beyond fuming as one of them is a birthday present that i need to give tomorrow, and i now have to go and get a new present and will have to return the TSV when it finally arrives. The other one is for me and i bloomin well want it!!!

You give them hell KWC
Same happened to me when I ordered something back before I finally got a decent debit card from my bank (one that actually flaming well worked!), don't think I was quick enough in getting the cheque to them and I was not impressed when the status changed to 'Awaiting stock', luckily it was only a matter of days, but I was still far from pleased. If you have something on cheque hold, then it's on cheque hold for you, not free to be sold to someone else!
This happened to me with the Christmas Surprise Laura Geller blusher. I was fuming!! Although mine wasn't a cheque hold, my cc co had decided I spent too much that day. However, a week later I had a letter saying there was a quality issue with the item. So it makes me think that there wasn't a problem with my card at all, it was just a stalling tactic while they tried to find decent stock. Grr!:mysmilie_73:
Does anybody know anything about the Philosophy "awaiting stock" situation? and yet there is another Philosophy show coming up.....:mysmilie_701:
Does anybody know anything about the Philosophy "awaiting stock" situation? and yet there is another Philosophy show coming up.....:mysmilie_701:

I ordered something and it went on to waitlist yet when I checked on line it was showing in stock. I was just about to phone CS when it went limited again. :mysmilie_81:
Happened to me with the Honora bracelets. I actually ordered it before the day (thanks to SCW!!) and they said they had no stock. So how come it went to air then, asked I?? They chose to ignore that one. I only put it on cheque hold so it wouldn't arrive while I was away. Told them to stick it where the sun don't shine (only more politely!!!!). It was MINE dammit!!
:mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73:

A 'faulty batch' they said.......yeah right!
Only realised it was a 'faulty batch' once I changed the payment from cheque to card though apparently......!?!


*could do with Jabba's steamingly furious smilie here but head-on-wall one will have to do!*

:mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73:
OMG, I'm so bl**dy angry........wretched items they couldn't supply were cancelled yesterday morning........money still showing as off my 'available balance'!
QVC insist they don't charge you for things on waitlist, only when it's been shipped but if it's off my available balance, it's not available to me is it, so they effectively do!

First advisor announced I was mistaken (due to policy mentioned above!) but bank confirmed the amouint was definitely showing as being held in reserve for them & guess what.......if nobody does anything about it, it can actually technically sit in 'bank limbo' for up to 6 bl**dy years or something stupid!

:mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73:

Spoke to another advisor, who informed me it should spontaneously reappear on my available balance in a maximum of 24 hours, well it blinkin' well hasn't, so now it's just 'stuck', not available for them to continue & take the original payment & not available to me to spend!
i'm not surprised your fuming KWC, did you actually get to speak to a supervisor. if not i think you should call back and speak to one. Obviously the advisors haven't got a bloomin clue whats going on.
Happened to me with the Honora bracelets. I actually ordered it before the day (thanks to SCW!!) and they said they had no stock. So how come it went to air then, asked I?? They chose to ignore that one. I only put it on cheque hold so it wouldn't arrive while I was away. Told them to stick it where the sun don't shine (only more politely!!!!). It was MINE dammit!!

:mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73:

A 'faulty batch' they said.......yeah right!
Only realised it was a 'faulty batch' once I changed the payment from cheque to card though apparently......!?!


*could do with Jabba's steamingly furious smilie here but head-on-wall one will have to do!*

:mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73: :mysmilie_73:

I have had the same letter too! My Honora bracelets TSV had some stock issues/faulty batch so I am on wait list - Again this happened after I changed from cheque hold to CC payment :mysmilie_1108:
i'm not surprised your fuming KWC, did you actually get to speak to a supervisor. if not i think you should call back and speak to one. Obviously the advisors haven't got a bloomin clue whats going on.

That's what chap at my bank said too but I was waiting to see if it appeared overnight......this time!
I have never heard anything so stupid in my life........even worse is the fact that they couldn't supply my items in the first place (got letter today, the 'faulty batch BS' one! lol), wouldn't have orderd them if I'd known I'd have to go on Waitlist for them!
I have had the same letter too! My Honora bracelets TSV had some stock issues/faulty batch so I am on wait list - Again this happened after I changed from cheque hold to CC payment :mysmilie_1108:

That is the most infuriating aspect of it all, I agree! Odd that it is only when you change your payment method, innit? *rolls eyes*
This whole situation is absolutely ridiculous. Soon they're going to wonder why they're losing customers and this sort of thing will be one of the reasons.
Closely followed by deliveries. I think you have a right to kick up a right fuss KWC it's your bloomin money not theirs.

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