Attempt of refusal of refund if 50+% of product used under 30 day MBG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Help Support ShoppingTelly:

Blinking heck starting to think I`m not up to being a QVC customer ..its too complicated forn a simple old codger like me!!

I ordered on waitlist for my sins a Kim&Co dress (it was stretchy had no zips or buttons that hurt old sore bones and muscles lol ) Anyway when I got the despatch email I checked online and it was still on wait list so I got on the phone and said if it was a return I didn`t want it I was told it would have been one that had been on hold that had been cancelled I said well when it comes if I think by its condition that its a return I would want to return it ..he then said they are only re sent out if the labels are still attached and unworn!!! I asked had he logged my concerns he said yes and told me to get back to them if I wasn`t satisfied...Anyway it arrived this morning ..labels still attached (thats easy to do with a swift attacher) but having a distinct odour, not new if you know what I mean as though it had been hanging where there was cooking going on ... and very I was on the phone double quick telling him I worked on Customer Services for 20 years in a dept store so there was nothing he could tell me about inspecting clothes for wear so they are sending me a return label Todays chap said they re sell returns in their outlet shops !!
What puzzles me is what difference does it make whether its 5% 25% or 75% used when you return something when they supposedly don`t do anything with them ..It just makes you think they do reuse them in some way ...afterall they accept tried on earrings don`t they? and I`m sure they don`t throw those away for hygiene purposes!! Personally I`ve never had any real problems with CS but my daughter has as I`ve said before her netbook about 2 weeks out of warranty stopped working properly and they just didn`t want to know!!
Good Luck Missy Hope you get everything that is due to you and more with what you have had to put up with!!
The presenters state their items are to be used by the family eg: L'occitaine shower gel & shampoo, other name-brand shampoo/conditioner, fake tan, Easi-Yo, UltraSun etc. DingleDangle, I shall bow out of this tete-a-tete now as it's Saturday night and uh, I'm off to wash my hair.
Ah yes, but at the same time this is surely where personal responsibility/common sense kicks in? I would NEVER invite a mate/family member/partner to join in a trial of a product. QVC initially sold the product to a single account holder, and it should therefore be treated as such. To have two people trying out a single product out for 'free' is just taking the p*ss.

This isn't true for "family" sized stuff is it? Buy it and you will find your husband uses it... Or are they deadly serious when they say to hide it from your husband.
Yes, and I was one of those dafties who ordered a try-me-size bundle. Couldn't believe the item size when received, felt stupid and back it went. Wiser, I watched presentations noting a) they use a magnifying camera, b) the presenters don't state the actual size and c) they don't put their hand near the product-in-shot so you cannot gauge its real size. .

Alison Young must have really tiny hands because bottles always look enourmous in her hands. A L'occy handwash is a chunky size but she makes it look like a breezeblock. The soaps too.

Bet her hubby appreciates this talent :O)
Alison Young must have really tiny hands because bottles always look enourmous in her hands. A L'occy handwash is a chunky size but she makes it look like a breezeblock. The soaps too.

Bet her hubby appreciates this talent :O)

I know mine does :cheeky:
This isn't true for "family" sized stuff is it? Buy it and you will find your husband uses it... Or are they deadly serious when they say to hide it from your husband.

Buy it and you'll find your husband/children/dog won't count when it comes to the amount used. After all, they didn't buy it , did they?:biggrin:
Spotted this on Facebook.

QVC has spoken:

Thank you for your patience while we looked in to this.

We do offer a full 30-day money back guarantee on all items purchased and we understand that certain products, such as cosmetics, are consumable and have to be sampled. So for this reason we aim to provide at least 30 to 60 days normal usage. We use the 50% as guidance for our customers as to what is a reasonable amount. Thanks to our regular customer surveys we've found that this is more than adequate.

We do reference in our returns procedure in 9.2 of our T&C's that a product being returned within the 30 day money back guarantee is returned in a clean condition and in its original packaging. We don't stipulate any percentage or parameters specifically in our T&C's as each product is different. Therefore for a consumable product a reasonable amount needs to be returned. However, as mentioned earlier, 50% will offer you some guidance.

We hope that this has addressed your concerns.

Quite a few unhappy people stating QVC have moved the goalposts.

Some quoting old Lulu saying on air you could use a whole pot and just return the empty pot if unhappy!!!
Ah yes, but at the same time this is surely where personal responsibility/common sense kicks in? I would NEVER invite a mate/family member/partner to join in a trial of a product. QVC initially sold the product to a single account holder, and it should therefore be treated as such. To have two people trying out a single product out for 'free' is just taking the p*ss.


So how do I tell my hubby I'm trying out for free as you put it, the CE pans, NN bath mats, towels, double featherbed, duvet, pillows and bedding set myself.

Are you seriously telling me how we have to sleep, wash and cook.

The presenters state their items are to be used by the family eg: L'occitaine shower gel & shampoo, other name-brand shampoo/conditioner, fake tan, Easi-Yo, UltraSun etc. DingleDangle, I shall bow out of this tete-a-tete now as it's Saturday night and uh, I'm off to wash my hair.

Just make sure you hide away your QVC products afterwards in case someone pinches some.:tongue:

So how do I tell my hubby I'm trying out for free as you put it, the CE pans, NN bath mats, towels, double featherbed, duvet, pillows and bedding set myself.

Are you seriously telling me how we have to sleep, wash and cook.


How you tell him is your problem. Seriously. Technically speaking, YOU are trying out any item within 30 days of receiving it. Sorry if that comes as a shock. And no, I'm certainly not telling you how to sleep, wash and cook. I gather your husband does this kind of thing.
How you tell him is your problem. Seriously. Technically speaking, YOU are trying out any item within 30 days of receiving it. Sorry if that comes as a shock. And no, I'm certainly not telling you how to sleep, wash and cook. I gather your husband does this kind of thing.

Do you expect my hubby to pay for something he's not allowed to try?
So wait, they don't put it in the terms & conditions because it differs for every product...but at the same time it's 50%, they just don't tell anyone?! And how exactly are we supposed to know this? We were ALL part of this all illuminating customer survey which determined that 50% of a product was more than enough to try it out?

What utter b*llocks...
Good post Bags regarding pans, bedding etc.Perhaps dingledangle would care to explain how to police sole usage of such items. Perhaps you should sleep alone and use pans to prepare meals solely for yourself during the 30 day trial period. What utter nonsense
Good post Bags regarding pans, bedding etc.Perhaps dingledangle would care to explain how to police sole usage of such items. Perhaps you should sleep alone and use pans to prepare meals solely for yourself during the 30 day trial period. What utter nonsense
DD is soooo determined to be RIGHT she's talking utter bollox.
I certainly don't, bags! QVC does.

Then all I can say is they don't sell packs of pillows, double, king and superking bedding, as well as cosmetic products in large sizes suitable for families.
When they have a presenter in bed with a bedding guest explaining how the items are for two persons in the bed, I'll ring to ask for the first month if I should limit usage to which one of us orders the product then?

Good post Bags regarding pans, bedding etc.Perhaps dingledangle would care to explain how to police sole usage of such items. Perhaps you should sleep alone and use pans to prepare meals solely for yourself during the 30 day trial period. What utter nonsense

Dingledangle has absolutely no plans or compulsion to get involved with your personal worries regarding your dealings with QVC.

It's up to you to read the fine print.

Goodbye and good luck!
Then all I can say is they don't sell packs of pillows, double, king and superking bedding, as well as cosmetic products in large sizes suitable for families.
When they have a presenter in bed with a bedding guest explaining how the items are for two persons in the bed, I'll ring to ask for the first month if I should limit usage to which one of us orders the product then?


And while I'm on with it, not that we allow our lab upstairs.
But I'll question for others when they make comments regarding viewers pets such as cats sleeping on NN.
I will ask if pets as well as partners should be refused entry for the first month?



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