At last !


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
Q have finally cottoned on that not everyone on the planet is on Twatter and Facebook ! Charlie, doing Kim & Co last night , specifically mentioned that 'like his Mum, not everyone is connected to Twitter and Facebook, so there are other ways of contacting, like text or phoning in " ABOUT BL.....DY TIME ! and it was gratifying to hear. So perhaps there have been comments/complaints that too much emphasise is being placed on social media and to get back to basic on their core audience.

Unless of course they've read the moans and groans on here !!
I would very much doubt it, they have not listen to other gripes. Maybe the Twitter/Facebook monitors were off!
Debbie Flint also said a similar thing on one of her shows (at least I think it was DF) and that you could use regular methods of communication to get in touch. Strangely, she also mentioned about the pricing of clothing and the fact that some people might not be able to afford Kim and Co and that there are other more affordable brands too. I'm sure someone at QVC comes here to read!
Q have finally cottoned on that not everyone on the planet is on Twatter and Facebook ! Charlie, doing Kim & Co last night , specifically mentioned that 'like his Mum, not everyone is connected to Twitter and Facebook, so there are other ways of contacting, like text or phoning in " ABOUT BL.....DY TIME ! and it was gratifying to hear. So perhaps there have been comments/complaints that too much emphasise is being placed on social media and to get back to basic on their core audience.

Unless of course they've read the moans and groans on here !!

Some presenters mention a lot that not everyone can Tweet or Facebook! I constantly hear Debbie Flint and Catherine mainly say this, although they do mention Social Media a lot in their presentations!! Not a bad thing, said in the right context and not overload. :mysmilie_48:
The endless on-screen orders, ipad twitty FacePalm moments really got old fast, didn't they?

Hopefully, the tide will turn to professional presentations.

I realise that is a vain hope...
Presenters have been known to mention or hint to have visited this site.
Last time I saw a Yong Kim show with Jackie and Ingrid, they had very obviously been on this site and J was quoting what she'd read "online" about Yong Kim and people not believing that she was a real person - and much more specific points which I remember thinking was almost verbatim from a thread on here...!
Maybe they have special secret monitors reading this nonsense ;) [i speak only for myself on that point!]
I am so pleased to hear this. In fact, I am on both FB and Twit, but hardly use them at all, I only went on to keep in touch with a friend who asked me to sign up, who now lives many miles away from me. But I've only 'spoken' to her a couple of times haha, don't know why I bothered.

Before I went on I used to get so angry that Q seemed to be only interested on you if you 'tweeted' sorry, i've never done it.
i think qvc reads everything on here. sometimes as your writing a post they are quoting it
i think qvc reads everything on here. sometimes as your writing a post they are quoting it

At the very least QVC will employ companies which monitor mentions of QVC and flag up and retrieve those mentions.

I'd like to think the lively debate and often thought-provoking points made here... as well as some of the great humour are something that QVC staff and presenters would enjoy from time to time (though at other times they may find it uncomfortable reading). It offers them a chance to see and reach beyond the adoring sycophants.

Now if only they'd pay attention to our constant gripes about interrupting presenters, overuse of iPads, postage, service, returns and refunds.... etc etc).

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