As predicted.....


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I agree and feel strongly that these presenters who are being paid (good salaries) AND getting considerable freebies is totally unethical. Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s and Aldi are all paying back the rates rebates they were given during COVID-19 so you’d think that the presenters would give their freebies to charity? Of course not begins at home is their motto. 👿
I went to an outlet once, never again. Looking at some sad old tat sitting on a shelf they were waxing lyrical over some weeks previously was very sobering.

Totally agree with you.

Strangely it was the bobbly Cuddle Dudds, oceans of polyester and the general state of returns that I remember from my first visit. I'd say a trip to the outlet store is essential to understand Q, Q staff, Q psychology, Q customers. The whole QVC in general.

I've been to Gatton returns and Damart returns a great deal. And had a barfain of few. But oh dear Q returns was a totally different experience.
Totally agree with you.

Strangely it was the bobbly Cuddle Dudds, oceans of polyester and the general state of returns that I remember from my first visit. I'd say a trip to the outlet store is essential to understand Q, Q staff, Q psychology, Q customers. The whole QVC in general.

I've been to Gatton returns and Damart returns a great deal. And had a barfain of few. But oh dear Q returns was a totally different experience.
Yes, hoovers with revolting blockages hanging out and pans with food remnants, B&W bejewelled clutches with bejewels missing, craft and fashion from the year dot.
I just heard AY say that she'd be buying the Doll 10 TSV after the show. Yeah, right.

They assume viewers are stupid. What's the quaint little saying? Assumptions make an ass out of you and me.
They are all going to be saying that they are going to buy products or that they are in their baskets, as I predicted. Since I am sure they read this forum can I just put it out there that they are so predictable. Viewers are smarter than they give us credit. It shows them in a poor light and one word sums it up - GREED. If they are comfortable with that so be it but please don’t play games with viewers. They are the reason you are there.
Devil’s advocate here - but if you worked for a company who was forever throwing expensive freebies at you on the condition that you “put the word out” about how wonderful the stuff is, be seen to be wearing/using/displaying it -would you say no? I know I wouldn’t
I can’t say I’ve liked the smug and boastful ways in which the presenters have dealt with the brief, so to speak - they’ve gone completely over the top and instead of inspiring customers, they’ve alienated and annoyed them.
It’s actually quite shocking that it’s taken customers to recognise how inappropriate this kind of behaviour is at a time like this, and not the company itself. Whether the presenters have since been given a memo to “rein it in” or they’re doing it off their own bat after reading our comments is neither here nor there - The damage has been done.
IMO the blame lies squarely with Q . To me it seems basic-Don’t alienate your customers, and don’t turn your presenters into figures of hate - some of them do a good enough job of that already!
They've always lived in their own little world without any perception of what's appropriate in terms of what's going on in society and even the public mood. I remember when Diana died, all the cable channels such as MTV and various lifestyle channels ceased broadcasting and had a card up saying something about respecting current events. Q kept going, oblivious to it all until their sales must have reached zero and they finally suspending broadcasting, around the Thursday of that week.

I read an interesting article in the Guardian about what will happen when the Monarch dies, something few of us at this point, have experienced in our lifetimes. It's know as London Bridge Is Down and it's an interestng read (albeit quite sobering and somewhat morbid). I expect QVC will be excempt from all of this, it wouldn't surprise me if, like the broadcasters who regularly rehearse their prepartions for such an eventuality, they have a stock of commorative memorabilia ready to start peddling, in their own "respectful" way of course.
I went to an outlet once, never again. Looking at some sad old tat sitting on a shelf they were waxing lyrical over some weeks previously was very sobering.
I have been to the outlet shop, admittedly not recently, and whilst there were items you wouldn’t buy there were also some things that were perfectly acceptable. You would see people with trolleys full of stuff which looked like far more than they could be buying for personal use.
They've always lived in their own little world without any perception of what's appropriate in terms of what's going on in society and even the public mood. I remember when Diana died, all the cable channels such as MTV and various lifestyle channels ceased broadcasting and had a card up saying something about respecting current events. Q kept going, oblivious to it all until their sales must have reached zero and they finally suspending broadcasting, around the Thursday of that week.

I read an interesting article in the Guardian about what will happen when the Monarch dies, something few of us at this point, have experienced in our lifetimes. It's know as London Bridge Is Down and it's an interestng read (albeit quite sobering and somewhat morbid). I expect QVC will be excempt from all of this, it wouldn't surprise me if, like the broadcasters who regularly rehearse their prepartions for such an eventuality, they have a stock of commorative memorabilia ready to start peddling, in their own "respectful" way of course.
I’ve read about London Bridge. There is also operation Forth Bridge which I expect will take place earlier than operation London Bridge.
merryone, I agree with the points you have raised in your post. It reflects badly on the organisation and the presenters. Collectively they form one organisation. The reaction towards presenters is understandable. They are the ones in our face constantly. The whole lot of them ( behind the scenes and the wannabes presenting) have very poor judgement and come over as a bunch of amateurs. Is there not a single person there who has the ability to evaluate and work out that what is going on is out of control and very poor business practice? I agree that the presenters have probably been issued with a “rein it in” memo but neither the bosses nor the presenters have the common sense to realise that suddenly “buying” things or having them in their baskets does not fool the viewers. Viewers are too sophisticated to be played by presenters and it’s time this was realised and addressed. I enjoy a bit of crafting, cards for family, and watch Create and Craft. Each presentation is about the item being demonstrated. There is none of the constant showing off, talking about possessions, homes, holidays, families, what they have been trying out at home. The presentations are clear, informative, all about the product and certainly not the salesperson fronting it. Not one presenter makes me switch off.
They've always lived in their own little world without any perception of what's appropriate in terms of what's going on in society and even the public mood. I remember when Diana died, all the cable channels such as MTV and various lifestyle channels ceased broadcasting and had a card up saying something about respecting current events. Q kept going, oblivious to it all until their sales must have reached zero and they finally suspending broadcasting, around the Thursday of that week.

I read an interesting article in the Guardian about what will happen when the Monarch dies, something few of us at this point, have experienced in our lifetimes. It's know as London Bridge Is Down and it's an interestng read (albeit quite sobering and somewhat morbid). I expect QVC will be excempt from all of this, it wouldn't surprise me if, like the broadcasters who regularly rehearse their prepartions for such an eventuality, they have a stock of commorative memorabilia ready to start peddling, in their own "respectful" way of course.

I remember when the Paris bombings happened a few years back on November 13th 2015, it was the LuLu Time Bomb TSV and they still went ahead. Simon “lots in store” Dairylee had the paper in front of him and in his usual cheesy way, after speaking to LuLu, screams “oh yes! there are bombs going off all over the place!” *big cheesy grin* He’d be forgiven for not knowing only it was those morning shows when, like lemmings, there were about seven sitting squashed on the sofa, and he had the paper on his lap, plus it’d been on the news all morning. Did anything happen to him? was he reprimanded? was he suspended? Absolutely not.
Freebies in retail is hardly a rarity. I have worked in retail and we always received stuff for free and good staff discounts. Its interesting the on eBay you can tell a lot of the presenters sell them off for good money
Of course I agree this goes on in retail but I very much doubt it happens on the same scale and frequency as witnessed on QVC. It often seems to be hundreds of pounds worth per week and the freebie fest is definitely escalating but who is going to stop it when everyone is probably benefiting? This is all a very poor reflection on the lot of them.
Again, though I'd have to can they "rein it in now" after years of "Look what I've been given" etc? They can do what they're doing and try and have us believe that everything they've got now is suddenly a purchase, call it a sample, or to "try" - There's not an awful lot more they can do (we don't believe them, and I'm sure they don't think we believe them either). As the old cliche goes -"They locking the stable door after the horse has bolted". Q are giving freebies to the presenters, not from the love of their hearts, or as a thank you for their work - It's to shift units. If the presenters don't talk about, wear or display their freebies, then it's a pointless exercise. It's up to Q to put a stop to the practice!
Freebies in retail is hardly a rarity. I have worked in retail and we always received stuff for free and good staff discounts. Its interesting the on eBay you can tell a lot of the presenters sell them off for good money

I doubt very much boffy they’d give their staff £1000 Samsung TSVs, £500 Kitchenaids and £400 Dysons, £200 Le Crueset, amongst other expensive goods. away as freebies. 😂
I remember when the Paris bombings happened a few years back on November 13th 2015, it was the LuLu Time Bomb TSV and they still went ahead. Simon “lots in store” Dairylee had the paper in front of him and in his usual cheesy way, after speaking to LuLu, screams “oh yes! there are bombs going off all over the place!” *big cheesy grin* He’d be forgiven for not knowing only it was those morning shows when, like lemmings, there were about seven sitting squashed on the sofa, and he had the paper on his lap, plus it’d been on the news all morning. Did anything happen to him? was he reprimanded? was he suspended? Absolutely not.
I didn’t see that! That’s outrageous! Only on QVC would that be acceptable. And as for him total idiot. Can’t stand watching him, silly shirts, silly expressions, silly comments and don’t start me on his Christmas jumpers. The whole act is so embarrassing.
Again, though I'd have to can they "rein it in now" after years of "Look what I've been given" etc? They can do what they're doing and try and have us believe that everything they've got now is suddenly a purchase, call it a sample, or to "try" - There's not an awful lot more they can do (we don't believe them, and I'm sure they don't think we believe them either). As the old cliche goes -"They locking the stable door after the horse has bolted". Q are giving freebies to the presenters, not from the love of their hearts, or as a thank you for their work - It's to shift units. If the presenters don't talk about, wear or display their freebies, then it's a pointless exercise. It's up to Q to put a stop to the practice!
It still puzzles me as to what genius mind thought that QVC presenters wearing a particular item of clothing, using a particular shower gel, cooking in a certain pan, sleeping on a particular mattress etc. the list could go on ad infinitum would make me want to buy? Particularly when it’s obvious they are freebies. Sorry, it just doesn’t make sense to me.

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