Are you a picky eater?


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
My husband has an exhaustive list of things he hates food wise, I can probably count what I don't like one hand and even then much of it is to do with a quality issue rather than the food itself!

This is my list

Dark chocolate - Don't mind it in cooking or as a sauce, but couldn't eat it from a bar - Disgusting!!

Oysters - Too be fair, I've never tried them, however a living creature sliding down your throat with the texture of snot (sorry) is categorically NEVER going to pass my lips!

Refried beans - They look like catfood and taste the same

Sausage rolls/pasties - I'm talking about the ones you buy cold in supermarkets with palid dry pastry and tasteless fillings

Scotch Eggs - Just horrible! I like hard boiled eggs, I like sausage meat, and things covered in breadcrumbs, so I guess a lovingly handcrafted one made from top quality ingredients, fresh from the pan and still hot may be quite delicious - But the ones you can buy in the shops - Revolting!!!

"Savoury Eggs"- There's nothing savoury about those disgusting little bombs filled with chopped up egg imo - They just taste weird!

Tofu - Just no - It's the texture again...oh and the fact it tastes of nothing even when drowned in soy sauce

Basic salad - Bit of lettuce, bit of tomato, bit of cucumber - Just so dull! However a salad made with rocket, avocado, onions, beetroot, coleslaw etc can be delicious!

Not many hates (I've probably forgotten some)...what are yours?
I'm more like your husband and have a huge list of dislikes - far too many to name. I hate going out for a meal to a restaurant/café as there's rarely anything I'll eat without asking for it to be 'adjusted' to my taste. Basically I like plain simple food - no sauces, spices or garlic, food that's not been 'mucked about with' LOL!
Just as one example. I get my legged pulled every time I have Christmas dinner at an Aunt and Uncles. When they're ready to dish up uncle stands at the kitchen doorway and shouts to be to get my pot of white paint as the sprouts are done. I like sprouts but not dark green ones, they have to be light green - the same goes for cabbage.
I once went on a weeks cruise and lost half a stone!
I'm with you on Dark Chocolate from a bar, reminds me of Ex-Lax (horrible childhood memories). Mushrooms, they don't like me and have ruined more than one meal when I suffered the after effects, same goes for Jerusalem Artichokes (cost me a fortune once when I was staying in London and had to order some medication from an all night pharmacy that had to be delivered to my hotel). Liver, though I like Brussels Pate, kidneys, and I've tried, honest. Stew (I just don't like the texture of stewed meat, ugh, again I have tried). I used to hate Brussels Sprouts, but sauted in honey, garlic and lemon juice, mmmm!
How could I forget - The thing that nauseates me the most!!!! Skin of the custard, rice pudding...euccchh worse than that even ( cause at least it can be peeled right off to get at the yumminess underneath) .skin on hot chocolate..the sight of it makes me gag, even thinking about it makes me gag..You try and get it off with a spoon and half of it drops back into your drink and you can't get it back, the bits of skin hanging from the spoon, the lumps in the drink...Gagging now!!!! I always stick to instant hot chocolate, might not be so chocolatey but at least you can have more than 2 sips with out it coagulating!!!
My sister and I fight over the custard skin! I also love the skin from milky coffee.

My friend's ex described himself as a picky eater. He was 32 stone. He was a nightmare to go out with, hating the smell of garlic etc., so we only went to "English" type restaurants. The last time we went out with them, he piled his plate with 12 rolls from the Harvester salad bar. I was a bit miffed as I enjoy them and he'd taken the lot and he wasn't sharing with anyone! We had to rush to the salad bar as the staff put one or two our at a time (he thankfully wan't quick on his feet!). He was apparently well-known by the staff who would normally limit the rolls put out while he was there, but he caught them out that time as he walked in 10 minutes after us.
I should start by saying I'm restricted to what I can eat as I have to stick to both a low-fat diet (yeah right, cough cough! lol) & also a gluten-free one.....but aside from that........not remotely picky, if it can be put in the mouth, chewed & swallowed, I'll eat it! :mysmilie_17:

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