Are there really such words as.....


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Jul 9, 2008
.....'Fashionability' and 'Substantialability'?

The suffix '-ability' is being put onto some strange words and it's driving me mad on QVC.
I dont believe they are actual words, I had noticed this as well and it was bothering me

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.....'Fashionability' and 'Substantialability'?

The suffix '-ability' is being put onto some strange words and it's driving me mad on QVC.

yes, they are. the latter is mostly associated with environmental issues, so i'm not sure it is relevant to QVC.
what i find excruciating is the word 'actually' used a million times in a sentence by a particular presenter and the extensive use of double superlatives!:12:
true, but that is what they meant to say. no need to be so harsh on them.:18:
substantiability and substantiality are two different words.

substantiability has quantitative meaning "to what degree...what part of smth.."
substantiality has a qualitative meaning "importance, value of smth"
Oh, boy...the QVC interview process: "Take a look at this Kim & Co top. Find a way to describe it without using the words 'nylon', 'static burn' or 'hideous'."

"....ummm, it's got functionability and is luggage-aware, plus it has cruise appeal?"
substantiability and substantiality are two different words.

substantiability has quantitative meaning "to what degree...what part of smth.."
substantiality has a qualitative meaning "importance, value of smth"

I love words and am always willing to learn new or unfamiliar ones. This being the case, I have looked up both words in several dictionaries both at home and online and have been unable to find a dictionary entry for substantiability.
I can only assume it is either an Americanism or a newish word which has not yet been adopted into common usage.

The Oxford English dictionary entries are as follows :


• adjective 1 of considerable importance, size, or worth. 2 strongly built or made. 3 concerning the essentials of something. 4 real and tangible rather than imaginary.

DERIVATIVES substantiality noun."

Sorry, there are no results for that search"

Chambers Dictionary :

"substantial adj 1 considerable in amount, extent, importance, etc. 2 of real value or worth. 3 said of food: nourishing. 4 solidly built. 5 existing as a touchable thing; material; corporeal. 6 belonging or relating to something's basic nature or essence; essential. 7 wealthy and influential; well-to-do. substantiality noun. substantially adverb.
ETYMOLOGY: 14c: from substance."

"Sorry, no entries for substantiability were found."

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