April Jones


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Jun 24, 2008
Nothing to say other than I can't imagine how April's parents must be coping and to pray that she's safely home soon.

Jude xx
the worst kind of news to hear, sends a shiver down your spine, poor little girl - hope & pray she's found alive & well.
The thing everyone I have spoke to about this little girl is, what the hell was she doing out at 5 years old playing at 7 pm at night? The nights are drawing in and its getting dark then. Round here you would never see a child that young out at that time even in summer, without an older brother or sister with them looking out for them.
False sense of security Donna, small backwater, safety in numbers and all that.
It appears that she got in the vehicle willingly, on the driver's side so I can understand the current feeling that she knew her abductor.
My mother brainwashed me so much about getting into anyone's car when I was a child that I refused a lift from my own uncle much to everyone's subsequent embarrassment - but, my mother later said I did the right thing.
I can not imagine the torment her parents and family are going through. My thoughts are with them.
Whatever the rights and wrong or the outcome, her parents will punish themselves for the rest of their lives. Their confidence in believing she was safe may have been misguided, but the evil ******* who abducted her, and anyone else possibly involved, is to blame.
I don't think there is a parent alive who hasn't popped to the shops and left the kids or let them play in the road. No one is perfect and as others have said it shouldn't detract from the person in the wrong, the one who took her.


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My God! How insensitive is Kay Burley!?
Just saw her on Sky News bounce up to volunteer searchers asking them what they thought of the news that the Police have announced that Mark Bridger has been arrested on suspicion of murder.
Waving her microphone in one woman's face she watched as the poor woman broke down crying.
"Didn't you know?" she asked knowing darn well they would not have heard as it had just been announced.
I was shocked yesterday that the suspect's son was identified and interviewed by Kay Burley yesterday, the poor lad (age 19) had no contact with his father until this year and clearly didn't understand half of her questions and had actually volunteered to help with the search when his father was identified has having been detained by the police. Knowing how cruel and misguided the public can be when feelings are running high, I worry for his safety now Mark Bridger has been arrested for murder.

Jude xx
I truly can't understand how Kay Burlley has repeatedly got away with awful behaviour with the eternal excuse of "it was live, I just went with it"
Can anyone please explain to me why a fund has been set up for the family? xxxxxxxxxx
Can anyone please explain to me why a fund has been set up for the family? xxxxxxxxxx

No I can't. I know sometimes over here with a sudden death people have a whip round with a view to helping toward funeral expenses but I think possibly as a consequences of the overt begging by Madeleine's people the idea has caught on that private investigators and such things could be funded by people's generosity. Perhaps there is some justification, Ben Needham's mother got sweet f.a. help with trying to find her boy. The Suzy Lamplugh trust has done fantastic work but I'm not sure exactly how that came into being.
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust was set up by her mother, in memory of her daughter, specifically to aid others in personal safety and self protection and she has worked tirelessly for the Trust. A very different type of cause. xxxxxxxxxxx
The Suzy Lamplugh Trust was set up by her mother, in memory of her daughter, specifically to aid others in personal safety and self protection and she has worked tirelessly for the Trust. A very different type of cause. xxxxxxxxxxx

I know, that poor lady suffered so much but tried to salvage something out of it. I suppose I hoped that a benefactor had enabled her to set up the trust rather than her having to fight yet more battles.
Sky mentioned that local people raised money to get food and refreshments for the massive influx of people assisting with this now worst possible situation.
Please forgive my language but I truly hate every single one of these pieces of f***ing detritus who refuse to talk. The memory of the interview tape the judge insisted be made public all those years ago now, where Roy Whiting arrogantly repeated "No comment" in reply to every police question still makes my blood steam.
Blimey an appeal for money for the family, money to feed the people coming in and hampering the police, despite the now numerous requests that they keep away. What is this? A misunderstanding of what and where Oktoberfest is? xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Blimey an appeal for money for the family, money to feed the people coming in and hampering the police, despite the now numerous requests that they keep away. What is this? A misunderstanding of what and where Oktoberfest
is? xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Clarify this a bit for me argey. Or maybe I should actually. The massive influx I referred to was specifically the professionals drafted in to assist in the search. They are experts and surely there very existence is cause for gratitude and I honestly don't begrudge them food.
The use of pink ribbons struck me as a little crass given that it's breast cancer awareness month, at first I thought it was a nice touch that even under the cloud of a missing child there were so many still supporting BCC month, until the penny dropped.

I can't fault the professional searchers' efforts throughout and those of locals in the first 24 hours, but there also seems an element who are there to rubberneck with a kind of morbid curiosity.

I hope the police find sufficient and compelling evidence to secure a conviction. and the little mite is returned to her poor mum so she can be laid to rest.

Jude xx
Clarify this a bit for me argey. Or maybe I should actually. The massive influx I referred to was specifically the professionals drafted in to assist in the search. They are experts and surely there very existence is cause for gratitude and I honestly don't begrudge them food.

Thanks Vampy, yes I had misunderstood. I'm really much relieved to know that the locals aren't forking out to feed the rubber-kneckers. I wouldn't begrudge the professionals any comfort either, and would probably have a kettle permanently on the boil myself. xxxxxxxxxxx

PS You'll probably have guessed that I'm really wound up by Joe Public's behaviour. xx
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