Anyone remember Sunita Shroff?!


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Jun 24, 2008
Sunita Shroff was a qvc presenter about 5 years ago, although she was pretty, smiley, and cheerful, she was totally inept at presenting, I can't remember her getting through an hour without stumbling on her words, or saying something inappropriate, or just wrong..she was great entertainment value. Today, I was channel hopping, and came across Sunita on Best direct...and looking every bit the professional! Ok, as it's not a live channel, it was obviously scripted, and ok it may have needed a thousand takes..but it was a definite change! Being the cynical soul that I am, I wonder had she not got the looks and the figure, would she still be in the business? Anyone who remembers her qvc career, would remember her presenting style being akin to a member of the public who's just had a microphone shoved in their face whilst they're out shopping with their mates!
Sunita Shroff was a qvc presenter about 5 years ago, although she was pretty, smiley, and cheerful, she was totally inept at presenting, I can't remember her getting through an hour without stumbling on her words, or saying something inappropriate, or just wrong..she was great entertainment value. Today, I was channel hopping, and came across Sunita on Best direct...and looking every bit the professional! Ok, as it's not a live channel, it was obviously scripted, and ok it may have needed a thousand takes..but it was a definite change! Being the cynical soul that I am, I wonder had she not got the looks and the figure, would she still be in the business? Anyone who remembers her qvc career, would remember her presenting style being akin to a member of the public who's just had a microphone shoved in their face whilst they're out shopping with their mates!

I remember when she was presenting the first live show of the day at 9 a.m. there was silence for the first few minutes!
I remember her, she seemed to be a sweet girl, suspect that was her on screen persona though!

I have seen her in an advert, I think for breakfast cereal, and on a property purchase, "Location, Location, Location"-type, show.
I've seen her pop up on a couple of those programmes & cereal or washing powder ads too.

All I remember from her QVC days is that she wasn't very good and had 'big hair'!
Ok Everyone, talking about Sunita Schroff or Sunny as she was known has made me think about another presenter but I cant remember her name, can anyone help?
She was very pretty with dark very shiny bobbed hair to about her jaw. I think she came from the Nottingham area and was married to a Greek or Cypriot man and left to have a baby.I keep thinking she might have been Nicola or Nikki or maybe Debbie. She had a voice a bit like Claire Sutton and in jewellery shows always called a necklace a neck-lace
Please help its driving me mad, been googling the past hour!!!!!
She was very pretty with dark very shiny bobbed hair to about her jaw. I think she came from the Nottingham area and was married to a Greek or Cypriot man and left to have a baby.I keep thinking she might have been Nicola or Nikki or maybe Debbie. She had a voice a bit like Claire Sutton and in jewellery shows always called a necklace a neck-lace
Please help its driving me mad, been googling the past hour!!!!!

I don't remember her, I'm afraid. But if she really came from Nottingham then she probably did say neck-lace. I'm from Derby and people often do that, rather than 'neckless'. I read somewhere that the way we speak up here was once the correct English accent and only relatively recently did the 'Queen's English' received pronunciation become the posh way! Of course I could 'of' told anyone that ...:)
Sunita Shroff was a qvc presenter about 5 years ago, although she was pretty, smiley, and cheerful, she was totally inept at presenting, I can't remember her getting through an hour without stumbling on her words, or saying something inappropriate, or just wrong..she was great entertainment value. Today, I was channel hopping, and came across Sunita on Best direct...and looking every bit the professional! Ok, as it's not a live channel, it was obviously scripted, and ok it may have needed a thousand takes..but it was a definite change! Being the cynical soul that I am, I wonder had she not got the looks and the figure, would she still be in the business? Anyone who remembers her qvc career, would remember her presenting style being akin to a member of the public who's just had a microphone shoved in their face whilst they're out shopping with their mates!
IMO not too disimilar to kathy taylor
ooo i've seen her on loads of things since QVC days - fab curly long hair. She never seemed to be at QVC for the long haul and has been on lots of lifestyle type programmes since.
she does interviews occasionally for other channels. She used to present Escape to Country or something similar - UK based house hunt type thing. she used to wear gorgeous exotic and colourful halterneck dresses which I thought were lovely.

these days being a jobbing actress/presenter is not easy but given her multicultural background and property experience, I imagine she's quite sought after for such shows!
Ok Everyone, talking about Sunita Schroff or Sunny as she was known has made me think about another presenter but I cant remember her name, can anyone help?
She was very pretty with dark very shiny bobbed hair to about her jaw. I think she came from the Nottingham area and was married to a Greek or Cypriot man and left to have a baby.I keep thinking she might have been Nicola or Nikki or maybe Debbie. She had a voice a bit like Claire Sutton and in jewellery shows always called a necklace a neck-lace
Please help its driving me mad, been googling the past hour!!!!!

there was someone who was on IW who sounds like your discription can't remeber her name, but she was very ill and not expected to live at one point with heart problems. Her story has been in some magazines.
Ok Everyone, talking about Sunita Schroff or Sunny as she was known has made me think about another presenter but I cant remember her name, can anyone help?
She was very pretty with dark very shiny bobbed hair to about her jaw. I think she came from the Nottingham area and was married to a Greek or Cypriot man and left to have a baby.I keep thinking she might have been Nicola or Nikki or maybe Debbie. She had a voice a bit like Claire Sutton and in jewellery shows always called a necklace a neck-lace
Please help its driving me mad, been googling the past hour!!!!!

Think her name was Sally Anne.Was her surname Howell?Can't remember it tbh but she was indeed a lovely looking lady.Appeared on IW after QVC & was really ill for a while.Not sure what happened to her,though.
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Ok Everyone, talking about Sunita Schroff or Sunny as she was known has made me think about another presenter but I cant remember her name, can anyone help?
She was very pretty with dark very shiny bobbed hair to about her jaw. I think she came from the Nottingham area and was married to a Greek or Cypriot man and left to have a baby.I keep thinking she might have been Nicola or Nikki or maybe Debbie. She had a voice a bit like Claire Sutton and in jewellery shows always called a necklace a neck-lace
Please help its driving me mad, been googling the past hour!!!!!

Sally-Ann Halil - I remember her in the news when she had a heart attack and was very ill for a time.
Her stage name is Sally-Ann Howick, she lives in Warwickshire and her husband is Turkish. She launched a beauty products company a few years ago but still does a bit of presenting and acting now and again.
Kitee, Mognuts, thankyou!! I dont think I would have come up with the name Sally-anne, you have really saved my sanity!! While I was googling I also came up with the name Ali Paton, remember her? Scottish lady who used to be a Gladiator?
I hope Sally-anne is ok now, I used to enjoy her shows on QVC

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