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Each to their own! I didn't say it's the worst hobby in the world. As hobbies go it's quite harmless and very anodyne. When I think of crafting I think of simpering Dawn Bibby looking all self-conscious on camera and bleating on about some overpriced velum and stickers. She made me want to retch! I think it's all the bits that put me off. I'd rather do pottery. At school I made a pot pourri bowl and a hedgehog - and I have still got them!
I don't like crafting so I never watch it on tv, having said that I have had some lovely home made cards from my crafty SIL and from one of my daughters....But to watch or take part in crafting would bore me to tears.......
Each to their own! I didn't say it's the worst hobby in the world. As hobbies go it's quite harmless and very anodyne. When I think of crafting I think of simpering Dawn Bibby looking all self-conscious on camera and bleating on about some overpriced velum and stickers. She made me want to retch! I think it's all the bits that put me off. I'd rather do pottery. At school I made a pot pourri bowl and a hedgehog - and I have still got them!

Thats alright then, we'll let you off :happy:
Be as forthright as you want Julius, - I'm too old to take things to heart, and in the greater scheme of things, life's too short to make a meal out of being 'offended' and finding things 'unacceptable'. These are 2 words that were rarely used 30 or 40 years ago - people in general were much more politer then so the need was never there to use them. As a nation we were also much thicker skinned than the sue and libel generations of today, who know the price of everything and the value of nothing !
I have not made any personal insults :( I'm just not keen on crafting! That's all!
Be as forthright as you want Julius, - I'm too old to take things to heart, and in the greater scheme of things, life's too short to make a meal out of being 'offended' and finding things 'unacceptable'. These are 2 words that were rarely used 30 or 40 years ago - people in general were much more politer then so the need was never there to use them. As a nation we were also much thicker skinned than the sue and libel generations of today, who know the price of everything and the value of nothing !
i remember going through a really low time very depressed. crafting really helped me take my mind off my troubles. i have always liked crafting from painting,knitting, a little card making (not dawn bibby more the anna griffin style). made all my curtains as i can sew, always baked since i was 10 so now decorate cakes for my large family. crafting can cost as much or as little as you like but for me has always been an essential part of relaxing or just being plain practical
Actually, I think crafting is far from being old hat. It's the middle age (QVC's target audience) who are not interested, but many younger affluent people do knitting, sewing etc. QVC need to be careful as most of their offering is becoming very dated :thinking:
I am just reading and listening to the radio while my shoulder gets better. Am also doing a home study course for my NCTJ exams. Don't think I will do any crafting! There are FAR more productive things to do than that!

I read somewhere that Dawn Bibby had gone through some misfortunes - family bereavement, closing her shop, selling her house and a divorce. Much though I may not particularly like her persona or her crafting I would not wish her any unpleasantness.
I am just reading and listening to the radio while my shoulder gets better. Am also doing a home study course for my NCTJ exams. Don't think I will do any crafting! There are FAR more productive things to do than that!

I read somewhere that Dawn Bibby had gone through some misfortunes - family bereavement, closing her shop, selling her house and a divorce. Much though I may not particularly like her persona or her crafting I would not wish her any unpleasantness.

I reckon Dawn Bibby's crafting has been quite "productive" - she had her shop for many years, she designs craft products and she's now on a channel devoted to the subject. Not all of us are academics, you know Julius. I gained my degree for my job but I wouldn't want to do one in my spare time, I'd much rather sit and do cross stitch. Perhaps while you're sitting listening to the radio, you could crochet yourself a nice blanket? :)
Lol. I do actually know how to knit as we learned that in school too (I went to school in Uzupis, Vilnius). I knitted a blue scarf when I was 6. The first half looked more like a dischcloth full of holes and the second half was perfect as I got better and better! Hahahaha! I'd completely forgotten about it until now!
I reckon Dawn Bibby's crafting has been quite "productive" - she had her shop for many years, she designs craft products and she's now on a channel devoted to the subject. Not all of us are academics, you know Julius. I gained my degree for my job but I wouldn't want to do one in my spare time, I'd much rather sit and do cross stitch. Perhaps while you're sitting listening to the radio, you could crochet yourself a nice blanket? :)
It is actually cupcake crafting that is on decline. Started in the USA and was picked up here but now there are many shops which sold them closing - the reason being the women who bought the decorated cupcakes have realised they are fattening. Sounds about right as all the shopping channels have been plugging these cupcake makers.
I am just reading and listening to the radio while my shoulder gets better. Am also doing a home study course for my NCTJ exams. Don't think I will do any crafting! There are FAR more productive things to do than that!

I read somewhere that Dawn Bibby had gone through some misfortunes - family bereavement, closing her shop, selling her house and a divorce. Much though I may not particularly like her persona or her crafting I would not wish her any unpleasantness.
Well I find crafting very productive.I have made beautiful scrapbook albums for my children and grandchildren to enjoy long after I have died and some of the cards I have made are so treasured that the recipients have framed them.I also do other handicrafts and am an extremely creative cook and write poetry as well as other interests too numerous to mention.You are perfectly entitled to dislike crafting and say that you do but please don't make it sound like some dilletante and worthless little pastime.Creativity comes in many guises and I find your rudeness unacceptable.
The only person (outside my husband and kids )who seemed to appreciate the cards I made was my late mum. I've had decidedly cool reactions from the outlaws over the years so now resort to shop bought, though I still refuse to buy any card with some soppy looking cartoon animal with hydrocephalus (that's what they send me!). I tell a lie, the sister-out-law stuck a peel-off on a blank card once but I didn't feel moved to frame it. I'd only hand make a card for someone who'd realise I'd wanted to spend time making it for them, not cos I couldn't get to the shops.

I will say I've always loved beautiful papers so I'll probably hang on to them just to look at occasionally.
I am just reading and listening to the radio while my shoulder gets better. Am also doing a home study course for my NCTJ exams. Don't think I will do any crafting! There are FAR more productive things to do than that!

I read somewhere that Dawn Bibby had gone through some misfortunes - family bereavement, closing her shop, selling her house and a divorce. Much though I may not particularly like her persona or her crafting I would not wish her any unpleasantness.

I just hope you aren't a creative journalist and find some actual facts
lol. I do actually know how to knit as we learned that in school too (i went to school in uzupis, vilnius). I knitted a blue scarf when i was 6. The first half looked more like a dischcloth full of holes and the second half was perfect as i got better and better! Hahahaha! I'd completely forgotten about it until now!

where ??????
God forbid I should express a dislike of "crafting" lest all the crafters in the land unite and attack me with their "pokey tools" like swarms of angry hornets! What else are they going to do? Throw glitter at me Jennifer Kirk style? (Cue "magic bling! sound)! I can understand why some people may find crafting rewarding. It's just that I personally do not find it so. It is somewhat perplexing that people used to part with large sums of money to attend "crafting retreats" at Dawn Bibby's house. It just seems a bit odd to me that people would part with cash and go to all that effort to stay with that simpering old bag and her pygmy goats! I mean, would these same people stay in Alison Young's house to attend make-up weekends? Probably not! It's not "crafting" per se that I have a problem with, it's people taking it so seriously and worshipping people like Bibby as though she were demi-goddess.

If people want to experiment with a bit of glitter, some velum and a Pritt stick then good luck to them! Let them get on with it! I'm just not sure we need all the forums and Dawn Bibbys / Anna Griffins of this world!

I wouldn't expect everyone to like going to the gym or mountain biking like I do. Nor would I expect them to like healthy eating as much as I do. Each to their own!
God forbid I should express a dislike of "crafting" lest all the crafters in the land unite and attack me with their "pokey tools" like swarms of angry hornets! What else are they going to do? Throw glitter at me Jennifer Kirk style? (Cue "magic bling! sound)! I can understand why some people may find crafting rewarding. It's just that I personally do not find it so. It is somewhat perplexing that people used to part with large sums of money to attend "crafting retreats" at Dawn Bibby's house. It just seems a bit odd to me that people would part with cash and go to all that effort to stay with that simpering old bag and her pygmy goats! I mean, would these same people stay in Alison Young's house to attend make-up weekends? Probably not! It's not "crafting" per se that I have a problem with, it's people taking it so seriously and worshipping people like Bibby as though she were demi-goddess.

If people want to experiment with a bit of glitter, some velum and a Pritt stick then good luck to them! Let them get on with it! I'm just not sure we need all the forums and Dawn Bibbys / Anna Griffins of this world!

I wouldn't expect everyone to like going to the gym or mountain biking like I do. Nor would I expect them to like healthy eating as much as I do. Each to their own!

WOW for someone with so much distain for crafting you sure do know alot about it - glitter, vellum, pokey tools, Dawn Bibby, Anna Griffin, - I bet there's a crafter in there somewhere wanting to just burst out and be free - go on you know you want to do it:mysmilie_488:

I can see why prople are willing to part with hard earned cash to spend a weekend at Dawn Bibby's home or Stephanie Weightmans (as they have done in the past) because they do see them as 'celebrity' friends, I wouldn't do this myself as I have no desire to do so but I'm sure many would. Also, I would image loads of beauty addicts would love to spend the weekend at Alison Youngs lovely home and see all her animals and have a beauty bonanza (not sure that she would like it though:happy:).

You mountain bike, go to the gym and eat healthily - well good for you, I won't dis your hobbies as long as you don't dis mine!

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