Another lighting trick


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Apr 27, 2009
Lulu's on at the moment, in full arm waving, wide eyed mode; but a new trick is now employed, - lighting from beneath ! I thought at first the table was lit underneath, but no, the reflection in Anne Dawson's glasses show that the lighting is on the floor, so this gives a more flattering focus. Although I'm surprised the Peony fake flaaaaar hasn't got bigger.

I bet if she were to have her picture taken on her pc (looking down, like most people do), it would be a different story.
I caught a glimpse of Lulu and commented that the lighting was weird but didn't realise why.
I used to work in television many years ago. We had to film Barbara Cartland several times. She was a real professional, from her shoe polish thick eyelashes to her pink shoes. Every shot required considerable patience from the lighting cameraman, who had strict instructions from her, as she gave to every cameraman, that the lights must be below her so that no shade fell on her face, showing up wrinkles.

Lulu must have learned it from a professional cameraman. Or Barbara Cartland, they might be the same age, but Lulu's miracle time bomb of course makes her look younger than Babs (who would be 115 this year).

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