It's marginally more interesting than yesterdays endless window washer magnet thingie demos (I think it's a 4 day deal folks so you've not missed out). If the bloke demonstrating it had said 'even if the window doesn't open, you'll have one to the side or the top or at the bottom' (complete with hand gestures), one more time I think I was going to scream.
Yes, I know there's an 'off' button but it's like a car crash, sometimes you just can't take your eyes off the screen.
I totally agree with all of your comments . I beats me how a shopping telly channel can survive with such a limited range of products and endless 4day boring deals (especially if you're not a crafter)
I appreciate we all need diy, household cleaning , gardening and motoring products but there is a limit to how much of these sort of programmes we will watch.
I know Ideal World have never been the most professional outfit but I used to look forward to watching their lovely jewellery which is now virtually non existent . I certainly don't get any feel good factor from watching them now and I can't see them improving .
I agree there is a lot of jewellery on other channels and perhaps that's why Ideal have cut back on theirs. That aside, there used to be much more variety of products in the past and viewing was more enjoyable .