Another book.........................


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Jun 24, 2008
No not DF this time but Julia! She is now writing a novel!!! She mentioned it at least twice during Kipling hour today.

On a different note I do wish she would stop wearing the following Join my opinion it doesn't suit her but if she must wear it then I wish she would refrain from lifting her arms up as I do not need to see her sweat patches!!!!! :sweat:
I think someone must have told her to cover up...the sweaty armpits were not nice... I heard her mention the book a few days ago...
She has been on about it for months.

This Wales (no offence to our Welsh members) obsession just because darling Dan is living there is wearing very thin. Think Chuntley must have passed the Welsh crown to JR.

Also I wish she would stop telling us Darling Sophie would wear this to her "job in the city".
Why stop at mentioning their books? Why not go the whole hog and have all of them mention ALL the other money-making ventures they're involved in - TV/singing/contract work/whatever? Then we'd all be paying for them to further their money-making ventures right across the board and there wouldn't be much time left for them to rabbit on about what the gallery are telling them to say and there may not even be enough time to demonstrate all the items. In fact, we could just have a channel where the object is to sell the quality and value of presenters' careers - at their convenience. But how many of us would still be watching, I wonder?

It's totally unprofessional and not what I, a customer, expect my money to be spent on.
So another one getting free air time to promote her book that would cost thousands if she had to pay for it, what I find funny though is, why anyone would want to buy the book in the first place, she's a shopping tv presenter. I wonder if the shop assistants in Sainsburys write a book when they've been there twenty tears..........hmmm one wonders.
Well I suppose it will sit nicely on the shelf will the zillion Kipling monkeys and then they can **** in photos showing it in pride of plsce.
So another one getting free air time to promote her book that would cost thousands if she had to pay for it, what I find funny though is, why anyone would want to buy the book in the first place, she's a shopping tv presenter. I wonder if the shop assistants in Sainsburys write a book when they've been there twenty years..........hmmm one wonders.

DF will be gutted she's out the loop for three whole weeks.........ha!
But her 'Diary of a Wannabee Shopping Channel Presenter' is no 61511 in the Kindle bestselling list!
What IS it about these narcissistic over-egoed types who believe we are remotely interested in their outpourings ?

Its not just the shop assistants on Q, its also the likes of that ghastly couple Richard (give me a job)Madeley & Judy (I like a drink or three) Finnegan - and then we have the 'professional' grievers like Sheila Hancock, Esther Rantzen, Gloria Hunniford who via books and column inches constantly remind us that they've lost a beloved.

Well, there is a 'book' in every single one of us, but ..........a) we don't have the time on our hands b) we don't have the financial clout to do it c) we don't want to "inflict" our lives and prose on others d) we have humility I could go on, but I'm certainly not putting money into the pockets of part time 'novelists' who could not live on the same street as Maeve Binchey, Beryl Bainbridge, Mary Higgins Clarke, Edna O'Brien et al.
I've recently finished DF's Selly-Telly book. There is a sequel coming out "early 2015" it says.

I will also get that one, providing it is free like the first part.
What IS it about these narcissistic over-egoed types who believe we are remotely interested in their outpourings ?

Its not just the shop assistants on Q, its also the likes of that ghastly couple Richard (give me a job)Madeley & Judy (I like a drink or three) Finnegan - and then we have the 'professional' grievers like Sheila Hancock, Esther Rantzen, Gloria Hunniford who via books and column inches constantly remind us that they've lost a beloved.

Well, there is a 'book' in every single one of us, but ..........a) we don't have the time on our hands b) we don't have the financial clout to do it c) we don't want to "inflict" our lives and prose on others d) we have humility I could go on, but I'm certainly not putting money into the pockets of part time 'novelists' who could not live on the same street as Maeve Binchey, Beryl Bainbridge, Mary Higgins Clarke, Edna O'Brien et al.

Do you know I've always wanted to do a book - "why I shop telly". I hate buses, car parks, crowds, people, rude shop assistants, £5 coffees and all else. I like Richard Jackson, plants, green seasons food, molton brown, decleor, many other things. The absolute benefits of getting this delivered to my door is on the tip of my fingers. I don't, on the other hand, want to tell anyone about me, my family, my sex life or my job. No one would want to read it and no one really would want to read about Julia's or Debbie's IMO - or maybe they would if they were REALLY that interested. Don't believe they would be though.


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