Anna's gone up in my estimation in this hour:)


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Oct 31, 2008
Brecon Beacons National Park
In all fairness to her, I've never once heard her mention that she was in NY on 9/11 and wondered if she'd get home safely. It was only when Ali K asked her if she'd ever been to New York that she sheepishly admitted that she had but the trip hadn't gone too well. I can think of many a presenter who would have milked that one at every given opportunity. Awww, and bless her when she said she'd be standing hopefully under the mistletoe on New Year's Eve because her boyfriend was always too busy working:( At least she doesn't ram her personal life down our throats day in and day out.

Is this the first positive thread ever about Anna? :wonder:
I'm not watching but I think she's slowly got better. I get the impression she's a very unassuming person who sometimes gets a bit over whelmed by the job.
Just mentioned in the other thread. Shes lovely today, love her hair. Love the chit chat between Ali and Anna
Anna seems a very normal humble person, not full of herself, unlike some...
She is full of fun, and as been said seems a very unassuming person. I can imagine her being really good around kids.
I'm watching sneakily at work and my first thought was that being on with Ali she wouldn't get a word in but she's "holding her own" and is a nice counter to Ali's chatterbox style.

I always find Anna appears more confident and less awkward when she's sat down.
She's settled in really well I think, and manages to explain products without all that shrieking and "I want you on the phones NOW."
A lovely girl in all ways, I hope she stays with QVC.
She has a great vocabulary and a vivid imagination. Sounds a bit like an English teachers school report!
I do wonder sometimes if she's showing off a bit with all the long and obscure words she uses but that is really the only negative thing I can think of to say about her. I think she's quite a good presenter, she does her job well and doesn't seem to have the ego that other presenters do. She's also better at letting the guests talk (Ali Keenan take note!)
I love it when she wrinkles her nose. She hasnt been doing it as much of late though
better long and obscure than the same one or two adjectives and phrases over and over again like most of them.
I like her very much. She's one of the few on there who has a very good grasp of proper English, she's got a nice style, she always looks smartly turned out and her blog is very eloquently written and funny too.
I concur with Mam to a certain degree. I think it is because the Q have, in their wisdom I feel, elected to put her on with other more experienced and affable presenters. On saturday, she was on with Debs - I thought she seemed more confident and came across in a more natural way - and today with Ali - again she presented herself as a more capable presenter. When she is presenting shows as we expect, on her own, she comes across as lacking self confidence, trying to fill the time in. With another presenter, Anna allows herself to be herself. I haven't up till now watched any of her shows, or Carmel's, or Michael's - I switch them off. Anna is still not one of my favourite presenters, but she has gone up in my estimation a tad.
She has grown on me, I think it is the lack of shrieking and self promotion and I like her expressive and extensive vocabulary. she is the opposite of Jill Franks in this sense whose limited vocabulary and mangled grammar actually make me switch off or press the mute button.

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