Amanda Holden is now a Doctor (Honorary)


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I do take your point, but that is why they are called 'honourary', isn't it? It's just that educational establishment's way of bestowing an honour upon someone they think worthy or, in some cases, useful. I really do think just about everyone knows there is an enormous difference between an earned degree and an honourary one and so it does no-one any harm. I don't think it offends many folk who've worked hard for theirs that their uni has honoured someone in this way.

I ,and most other reasonably intelligent people do know the difference between the two types of award.However,my objection is when honorary degrees are given to someone who appears to have done little in the field of either:
1) a worthy /unpaid charity cause over an extended period.
2) Enhancing the arts by their personal contribution or teaching.
3)Contributing to Science personally or by teaching.
4)Environmental or world peace causes by their own contribution or teaching.

I don't see how being on a game show or a morning TV slot constitutes an award of this nature.Someone like David Attenborough however,who has raised the profile of wildlife and environment for many years in an accessible way for all , would in my opinion be a more suitable candidate.I have worked ,and still work hard for my higher education qualifications whilst also in employment.I won't be bragging about my PhD when I get it but I certainly will have earned it!!!
In light of recent events, ahem, in the Royal Family, I think highlights that the public are no longer the fools we've been taken for over past decades and centuries. We would just read in the papers that so and so had received an award, and it wouldn't be challenged, but now, with social media, more questions are being asked than ever before.

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