Ooh I want one now! (This box I mean, not one of Stratobuddy's orgasmic surges, although...
No, joking apart and especially if it really is around the £20 mark I would absolutely love to try this. The range is right up my alley, natural and ethos wise, and as I said I haven't tried their skin care offerings...
Do please let us know if anyone spots it offered as a box...
Personally, I'll take any surge where I can get it!
But anyway, back to the above set All Boxed Up offered me as an alternative to the Time Bomb ... as I said, no price was mentioned but they said to email them if I was interested so I wonder if it's worth you dropping them a line, just saying you heard from a friend that there might be an Organic Surge box available and could they give you more information. The worst they can do is say no. Contact Mel on info@allboxedup.co (that is the complete address - I have emailed them before using it). I found they are pretty good at replying. Alternatively, I don't mind replying to their email to ask about the price and general availability?