Alison Keenan


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Oct 28, 2010
Pipa mentioned that it's Ali's last chemo today. I do hope she starts to feel much better soon. She has updated her blog on the Breast cancer care website.

She seems to be suffering awful side effects at the moment.

Love to Ali and anyone else who is going through this dreadful disease. xxx

:flower: :flower: :flower: :flower: :flower:
Poor lady. Her blog makes painful reading and it puts life into perspective. I wish Ali a good recovery when her chemo ends and to everybody else going through the same. xx
Poor love - she sounds like she is really suffering. I really feel for her and all the others who are having to undergo and cope with the side effects of this treatment. I do hope that she feels better once the chemo is over and that she gets the all clear .
Sending warm and loving thoughts to Alison. I hope it helps to know that people do care even if we have never met. x
Sending best wishes and positive vibes to Alison and all the other poor souls that are suffering from the awful disease...
Gosh,that was difficult reading.......poor Alison,she is really going through it atm.

I understand completely what she is going through(though my personal side effects have been minimal really) and I wish her all the very best in her ongoing recovery:heart:
I get SO angry at these lovely people blighted by this sodding disease. My chap is now terminal after battling throat/oesaphagus C and seeing him and others put up with what they do is very very humbling.

I am a firm believer that after all these years and years and years of research, these huge drug companies actually DO have a cure, but because they get untold millions in revenue for research and development, to admit they have a cure would mean this money would dry up, even though it means millions are dying every year. Oh yes, there have been giant leaps forward in the treatment of C and admittedly millions are cured or in remission, but its a bit of a drip feed development.

Sorry to be cynical, but 40 years ago we put a man on the moon, and yet we give these drug companies trillians to come up with a cure - so where is it ????
Big hugs to you Brissles and to Mr B also :heart::flower:

You know, it can be quite difficult going through the treatment but I think it is even more difficult for the friends and family to watch their loved ones as they go through it.They are the ones carrying all the worry and feeling helpless at times and not always knowing what to say and do for the best.I will be thinking of you both in my prayers xxxxx
Brissles I was just thinking along these lines yesterday when the local news had a brief item saying doctors were treating certain cancer patients with Ecstasy FFS! The treatment is barbaric, there has to be a better approach! My heart goes out to anyone suffering or watching loved one going through this.

Jude xx
I get SO angry at these lovely people blighted by this sodding disease. My chap is now terminal after battling throat/oesaphagus C and seeing him and others put up with what they do is very very humbling.

My lovely hubby is also terminal with cancer of the Oesaphagus and undertaking a really gruelling chemo trial at the moment knowing he will never get better. Sadly as cancers go, it is one of the worst and nobody seems to have a clue why he got it, as he had no risk factors at all.
My thoughts are with you Julie, I know exactly what you are going through on a daily basis, so you aint on your own kiddo !
My heart goes out to Alison and all suffering from this evil disease. I lost my dad to oesophageal cancer 16 years ago. My best friend's dad has terminal oesophageal cancer atm and it seems the treatment has barely changed (or the odds for beating it) improved any in the intervening years. I feel absolutely enraged and like Brissles, I question the drug companies motives in finding cancer cures as they must make vast profits from the current treatments.
I remember a while back reading a paper relating to drug companies having found a cure for malaria but with-holding it as it wouldn't be in their financial interest.

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