alison keenan. eat something luv....


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I get a teensy little bit irritated when they put Alison Keenan on Serious Skincare hours.

I believe that what people really think is reflected in their actions, rather than what they say.

She clearly has regular work done with fillers etc - and when she first had it done the difference was quite dramatic.

So who is she to tell me to buy this pot of £100 face cream when she can avail herself of all the products at QVC for free... and still chooses to spend her money on having "work" done? It doesn't say much for the effectiveness of said products does it? :rolleyes:

I'm sure she'd deny having anything done, as so many people do, but people's faces don't get fatter as their bodies get thinner do they? That'd be silly. :mysmilie_17:
I agree Burlybear, she should cut herself some slack. She could be slim without being skinny, after all!

If she was indeed born in 1960, I'm surprised, because she does look a little older than that - she looks more like she's in her mid-to-late 50's to me. Other than that, she is a very good presenter: good at the job and likeable.
Gosh, I'm shocked. Ali K's still in her 40s?? I thought she was quite a bit older - mid 50s or so. I think she's very elegant but don't like close ups of her presenting necklaces because her skin is very damaged around there.

I am amazed too! thought that she would be about the same age as Julie Roberts. Debbie Greenwood is about 50 isn't she and she is much more girlish.
Still, I like AK and think that she is very elegant and glam.
... because you'll look and feel better for it.

what is it about some middle aged women (particularly those in the media) that makes them think that looking skinny is attractive?

alison keenan looks stupidly thin tonight. she has no hips and no arse, the knockers appear to be holding on in there... just - i wonder why?

and we all now how the face sinks and wrinkes on skinny older women, yet AK is without lines and has hamster cheeks... how does she manage that i wonder?

alison keenan is a proficent tv presenter. however she is on a shopping channel where - you would hope - the pressure to look perma-young and perma-thin is less than mainstream telly (look at some of the other female presenters for evidence). i wish she would cut herslef some slack and drop the act. she doesnt look good any more.

Have to agee with the above. I too have noticed her hamster cheeks - maybe she's had cheek implants (do you get those?). Shame she feels the need to do these things but each to their own I suppose. Otherwise she is a good presenter!!! :mysmilie_17:

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