Alison, it's a stye, not a style!


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As a fully paid up member of the “wokerati” ( people against injustice and discrimination), I can clarify that there are TWO sexes, because this refers to biological identification but numerous genders, because gender is a sociological construct.
If AY wishes to suggest that her lotions and potions are suitable for all skin types, she could refer to two sexes.
However, there seems to be a lack of training and education for presenters and BA at QVC.
As a teacher, I had rigorous training on the difference between sex and gender.
I rarely watch a presentation but I did watch her launch the neom tsv. If I hadn’t already decided I wanted it she would have put me off. How desperate and frantic she sounded and her sentences don’t make sense, they’re just strings of words. I gritted my teeth waiting for genders to be mentioned and wasn’t disappointed. It’ll be a long time before I listen to her again.
The other problem with the neom presentation was the guest. There was nothing calming about her. The two of them were all hard sell, buy more, gifts, etc and no lovely switching the pod on and pausing to inhale and be tranquil. If you didn’t know the brand you’d not be much wiser. I was nostalgic for Liz Earle.
As a fully paid up member of the “wokerati” ( people against injustice and discrimination), I can clarify that there are TWO sexes, because this refers to biological identification but numerous genders, because gender is a sociological construct.
If AY wishes to suggest that her lotions and potions are suitable for all skin types, she could refer to two sexes.
However, there seems to be a lack of training and education for presenters and BA at QVC.
As a teacher, I had rigorous training on the difference between sex and gender.

I loathe injustice and discrimination (believe it or not). Which makes it even worse when I read about men taking women's places in just about every area by using gender as a free pass.

Goldsmiths Students Union have been celebrating women getting active and participating in sport. By using four trans women in their campaign. FFS! Teachers don't stand a chance of standing up against it.

Are you still a teacher? I've read several accounts from teachers that complain anonymously about the way they're being told to conflate sex and gender and also to hide from parents very young children saying they're "changing" their sex.

I've also heard of St*ne w@ll approved organisations entering schools and placing books and providing training to teachers (most who don't want and certainly don't need it) on how to ignore parents' wishes regarding sex ed, gender crap and even the twisting of basic biology.

Companies like QVC need to stop inserting this gender bullish!t into every other sentence. When it becomes normalised the harms can be amplified.
I loathe injustice and discrimination (believe it or not). Which makes it even worse when I read about men taking women's places in just about every area by using gender as a free pass.

Goldsmiths Students Union have been celebrating women getting active and participating in sport. By using four trans women in their campaign. FFS! Teachers don't stand a chance of standing up against it.

Are you still a teacher? I've read several accounts from teachers that complain anonymously about the way they're being told to conflate sex and gender and also to hide from parents very young children saying they're "changing" their sex.

I've also heard of St*ne w@ll approved organisations entering schools and placing books and providing training to teachers (most who don't want and certainly don't need it) on how to ignore parents' wishes regarding sex ed, gender crap and even the twisting of basic biology.

Companies like QVC need to stop inserting this gender bullish!t into every other sentence. When it becomes normalised the harms can be amplified.
I have been retired for two years. I received training 5-6 years ago to prepare for a student who wished to transition. I did not receive any training telling me to ignore parents' wishes or twisting of biology, I would have argued against this. We were informed quite straight forwardly that sex is to do with biology and gender is a social construct. Some people feel they identify with a different gender that their biological sex determines.
Unfortunately, AY and her like are appearing to get their information from dubious sources, rather than receiving appropriate training from their employer.
The government has finally issued advice and guidance to educators, with reference to gender.
I am a life long feminist and deplore the apparent ignoring of biological sex in some sporting events. A person who has undergone a male sex puberty has certain "unfair" sporting advantages when competing against a person who underwent female sex puberty.

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