Ali keenan's hair..


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I agree, its very ageing and looks as if she is at that in between stage of not sure how to have it. I do like Ali, I will say though that i think that she is having some sort of re vamp after her marriage split and is possibly in love with her new chap and so really couldnt care less what other people think but she should tone down the cleavage a little. I picture lots of male students salivating over the older woman thing with her but you can`t really blame her.
How old is she ? I would say 48 but Ali does love the Sun which will eventually catch up with her as she is fair. Julia Roberts who is 50 i think can get away with her sunbathing as she has olive skin and colouring which is less of a problem and she has not had any fillers or work done as you can tell because she looks natural and expressive where as Ali has had Botox and you can tell this as her face is quite stiff around her marionette area.
I also think that shock horror :11: AY has had a lip filler. Clowdia has great skin as does the Liverpudlian lady (forgot her name now) but i also think Anne Dawson has had fillers and as for Jill Franks, she just needs a steak and some Cavonia :41:
I much preferred her hair short.The way she wears it now makes her look top-heavy and she is forever moving it out of her eyes.
I also think that shock horror :11: AY has had a lip filler.

You have a good eye for these things! It's funny what you say about AY: when I was watching her the other day, I noticed her lips looked a bit fuller and very nice: I thought it was the lipstick and gloss, but now you mention it, why did I particularly notice her lips this time? :33:
Maybe it was the gloss. I personally am not fond of some of these plumping glosses as they sting a little.
I'm afraid that whenever I see AK I want to go and adjust her bra straps and hoik those wallies up, they are waaaaayyyyyy toooo low
I'm afraid that whenever I see AK I want to go and adjust her bra straps and hoik those wallies up, they are waaaaayyyyyy toooo low

Spaniels my kids call them....poor woman....

:42: Obama Won! Woohoo! :42:
Hmm, I wonder if some retail workers, sorry, TV presenters have been reading this ? She has had her hair cut ( slightly) and Kathy Tayler made a big point of saying how much she liked her new haircut at the end of the 10 o'clock show and that she was going to the same new hairdresser herself - it did seem she was making a point of it.
How old is she ? I would say 48 but Ali does love the Sun which will eventually catch up with her as she is fair. Julia Roberts who is 50 i think can get away with her sunbathing as she has olive skin and colouring which is less of a problem and she has not had any fillers or work done as you can tell because she looks natural and expressive where as Ali has had Botox and you can tell this as her face is quite stiff around her marionette area.
I also think that shock horror :11: AY has had a lip filler. Clowdia has great skin as does the Liverpudlian lady (forgot her name now) but i also think Anne Dawson has had fillers and as for Jill Franks, she just needs a steak and some Cavonia :41:

I think Ali must be in her early fifties (Julia is 52 I think now) I remember when Ali and her husband used to present on This Morning. He looked a lot older than her and not v good looking. I prefer her with her hair shorter, all in all I like her although she has a habit of pulling the bottom of whatever top she is wearing as if to hide her midriff, must be a nervous thing.
I've not seen her recent cut, but I thought she looked fab when she had her hair cut very short with spikey bits round her ears. I think short hair suits her better than longer hair.
Agree that AY looks like she has had lip filler - either that or horse had head butted her!

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