I'm extremely concerned about something that has just happened on my web account.
I was trying to place an order for the Mowerland pick of the day but the web pics were all little crosses and it kept asking me to confirm my password, I persevered because I'm well aware of I/W and C&Cs little 'foibles'......when I finally got to checking my details it was showing the wrong start and expiry dates on my credit card.....anyway feeling very uneasy at this point I decided to cancel the items in my basket and went into my history account to make sure there were no items pending, luckily there wasn't BUT all the past delivery logs had the wrong address on them, not just one different address but 4! going right back to when I placed my first order 10 years ago.....I don't know what to do next
Has anyone else had this happen?.....I've been on a dodgy web site today( watching Sunderland/ Arsenal match) and I automatically thought I had caught a virus but I checked on my works laptop and the same is going on there.....I/W you don't make it easy to have faith in you!
I was trying to place an order for the Mowerland pick of the day but the web pics were all little crosses and it kept asking me to confirm my password, I persevered because I'm well aware of I/W and C&Cs little 'foibles'......when I finally got to checking my details it was showing the wrong start and expiry dates on my credit card.....anyway feeling very uneasy at this point I decided to cancel the items in my basket and went into my history account to make sure there were no items pending, luckily there wasn't BUT all the past delivery logs had the wrong address on them, not just one different address but 4! going right back to when I placed my first order 10 years ago.....I don't know what to do next
Has anyone else had this happen?.....I've been on a dodgy web site today( watching Sunderland/ Arsenal match) and I automatically thought I had caught a virus but I checked on my works laptop and the same is going on there.....I/W you don't make it easy to have faith in you!