AHHHHH----I see a wrinkle


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Silver Fox

Registered Shopper
Mar 14, 2010
I don't know if you are like me but I am bamboozled by all this skincare promising the Holy Grail a smooth, unwrinkled skin, no pigmentation, sagging, large pores etc.etc,& they are 'preaching' to the average 35 year old! What is the hope for someone like me nearly 68 but from the age of ? (pre teen?) been massaging Camay
( admit when you remember that!)soap into their skin.I have ( I think!) a good skin for my age & post Camay cleansed/toned/moisturised all my life.Can it get any better?
My nan used Wrights Coal Tar soap on her face and had a lovely skin. The only product that seems to have any scientific backing is Protect & Perfect and that's not available on QVC.
Genes, diet, ill health or good health, exercise, environment, work, sleep pattern, smoking, alcohol, emotional well being etc etc, all have a big bearing on how our skin looks and how it ages. Anything in a tub or a tube is only the tip of the iceberg isn`t it and yep I recall massaging Camay into my face too lol
I can honestly say that using a glycolic product has made a real difference to my 52 year old skin. I'll openly admit that my skin is pretty darned good and most people assume I'm a fair bit you get than I am.

I do use skincare and I love the whole routine but I didn't expect anything to have much of an impact. But on the recommendation of a friend I started using Nip & Fab glycolic serum. And I can't quite believe the difference its made in tone and texture as well as the feel of my skin. And even a friend has noticed, admitting that she's always thought my skin was good but the difference was noticeable. Bless her kind heart she said my skin was amazing.

So at £15 a pop its definitely one I'll keep using.
I've got away with a lot for a long time as my mum, at 77, looks years younger and I do too for my age. I always used oil of ulay but over the last 6 years or so have used Decleor and Liz Earle and I have managed to keep a lot of wrinkles at bay. I have to say that Judith Williams kit is amazingly good for the prices and when the budget is tight I go for that. I'm at the age when I have to use something or boy can you tell LOL. Soap has never done it for me - far too drying.

My skin was great until I hit the menopause.Its still good for my age but I have pigmentation and some wrinkles .I used oil of Ulay for years ,no soap and Ann French cleansing milk fragrance free.

Now I use a variety of things but agree Protect & Perfect is good for wrinkles,but got more expensive.My aim is not for smoothness but my skin to be the best it can for my age.i haven't yet found anything that really gets rid of pigmentation ,so I work on covering it and not getting too much sun on my face and make it worse.

I don't ever buy the more expensive brands because I don't think they work on already aged skin.I still look younger than my age but I feel it's gradually catching up !
I can honestly say that using a glycolic product has made a real difference to my 52 year old skin. I'll openly admit that my skin is pretty darned good and most people assume I'm a fair bit you get than I am.

I do use skincare and I love the whole routine but I didn't expect anything to have much of an impact. But on the recommendation of a friend I started using Nip & Fab glycolic serum. And I can't quite believe the difference its made in tone and texture as well as the feel of my skin. And even a friend has noticed, admitting that she's always thought my skin was good but the difference was noticeable. Bless her kind heart she said my skin was amazing.

So at £15 a pop its definitely one I'll keep using.

Tell us more!

What do you use?
Would it be suitable for dry very sensitive skin?
Who do you buy it from?

I use the cheapest and simplest of everything. Less is more for me because I have always had sensitive skin even as a child. I tried the Boots protect and perfect serum and it literally made my face sore, the main ingredient is matryxl so obviously that`s something else my skin dislikes.
I haven`t used soap since my Camay years back in my early teens but back then skincare was in it`s infancy anyway. Ponds cold cream, Nivea, Cremolia, Glycerin and rose water and plain old vaseline were the only products our local chemist sold. Nowadays the shops are awash but many items are much of a muchness, just named differently or packaged differently.
I stick to plain and basic and it keeps my skin clean and hydrated and the rest is down to me not to smoke, to eat well, to keep out of the Sun as much as poss and to stay as healthy as I can. The most expensive skincare in the World won`t work on an abused body or a sick body !
Like you I have very sensitive skin therefore have always just stuck with anything which doesn't cause me problems and TBH it hasn't done me any harm and I've saved a fortune (to spend on other daft things unfortunately).
I too am mid 60's, and have good skin with only a few wrinkles lurking around the lower lip corners. Like others I slathered on Nivea during my teens, and would you believe in the heat and height of Summer, would sit with my mates on the flat roof of the building where we worked in Sandwich, Kent with sheets of tin foil to exacerbate the sun's rays !!! and never without a bottle of Hawaiian Amber Tropic oil to slap on ! What would old Ultrasun Annie think of that !

Of course good genes all help, I don't have children so have never suffered with endless sleepless nights, and I do exfoliate regularly, so we do what we can until we reach the end of the road !
I am 73 and I use Nivea soap and Nivea soft moisturiser cream it's cheap and works for me I have also used the ASDA brand products and lots of other off the shelf products and for my age my skin is still fairly good. I think genes have a lot to do with how skin ages and spending a fortune on skin care products won't make any difference.
Well, Ive used elemis and lancome religiously for a long time and my skin is fabulous for my age, with no wrinkles ...... At least i thought it was until I had new glasses!! Unfortunately I can now see that I DO have wrinkles - many of them ��.
Tell us more!

What do you use?
Would it be suitable for dry very sensitive skin?
Who do you buy it from?


I use this http://m.boots.com/h5/cat_hub?unCountry=uk&path=/en/Nip-Fab-Glycolic-Fix-Serum-30ml_1360854/. Available on the net but also from the high street ... Boots and Superdrug. There are others with a higher % percentage but I thought I would start low. I've decided this suits me.

I don't have sensitive skin as such ... in fact almost the opposite ... but when I started I did have some acne and new products can aggravate it and make it more sensitive. I don't know if its down the this or just a coincidence but my acne was not only fine with it but it has gone. It does come and go so it may be just coincidence.

At £15 its not cheap as chips but neither will it break the bank to try it. You use two pumps for your face and neck. More just leaves your skin a bit tacky until it dries in. You don't need a night cream over the top but you can if you wish. If I do use one I leave the serum to sink in for about 30 minutes. I was using it every night but now I'm down to every other night.

I genuinely don't have many wrinkles so I can't say its had much effect on them but my skin definitely looks clearer and brighter and I didn't think it could improve much. As I said before it was always pretty darned good in the first place.

Worth a go in my opinion.
I am 73 and I use Nivea soap and Nivea soft moisturiser cream it's cheap and works for me I have also used the ASDA brand products and lots of other off the shelf products and for my age my skin is still fairly good. I think genes have a lot to do with how skin ages and spending a fortune on skin care products won't make any difference.
I generally use Gatineau or equivalent but when I went into hospital a couple of months ago I just wanted a cheap, small tube of moisturiser and bought Nivea Soft. I think it is pretty good and it was half price last week in Superdrug so I got another. I would still buy the usual stuff but think this is a good, cheaper alternative.
I have very good skin considering I sit in the sun and drink alcohol,I don't have sensitive skin so can use anything,have just finished an M Assam moisturiser but gone back to Bobbi Brown vitamin enriched face base.
It was interesting to read your thoughts & so many have good results using an uncomplicated and cheap skincare regime.Of course those who choose to spend if they believe and enjoy using premium products that fine too.I laughed at Brissles's account of sitting in the sun with tin foil to reflect the sun's rays! Haven't we been there? thankfully we are more enlightened today. The main thing that us folks of a certain age are taking concern of how we look ( not to the point of obsession) which IMO many British ladies could do with following.
I never did the tinfoil thing but I used to mix olive oil and vinegar and smooth it everywhere. It`s was supposed to make you tan quicker but all it did for me was to make me smell like a rancid dressed salad !
My sis used a photographer's light bouncer under her chin! No wonder skin cancer is high in 60+ year olds. Please keep a check on moles ladies or anything suspicious get it checked. Just urged a male relative to get a dodgy mole checked on his temple. I was worried about a mole on my mum's back, she had a lot of moles, and when they checked her over they removed one that I thought was ok and left my suspect one. Can't be too careful.
I used Oil of Olay before getting the more expensive Elemis, Liz Earle, Decleor and Gatineau and others. ..when I finish all these expensive brands, I think I will go back to my Oil Of Olay because all we need is a good moisturiser, not these expensive brands, because if they are so good as they claim, they would not be improving them so often.

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