Advice please -Faulty Printer


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Registered Shopper
Feb 8, 2009
Hi everyone

Just thought I'd run this past you before I call customer services. I bought the last Kodak TSV at the end of July. It arrived about a week later, easy to set up etc but when I tried to use the fax it didn't work. I called QVC who said they would pick up the printer then despatch another. At the time I could not afford to be printerless so contact Kodak who issued a replacement, then picked up the old printer at a later date. I called QVC to inform them this. I have the same problem with the 2nd printer. Have contacted Kodak who have tried to get it to work, must be a known fault. My husband agreed a further replacement - I wanted money back - but as we had already had one replacement, shipping was stopped and I have been chasing Kodak for the last 9 days as I have not heard anything. My question is does QVC have to issue a refund?
Thanks in advance
Hiya hun x

I think you'll find that as you dealt with Kodak initially then QVC are not obliged to take it back due to you technically not having the item they originally supplied you with (same printer I know but the serial number doesn't match what's on the box).

I'd contact QVC and see what they say as you may get lucky and they will refund you anyway *CROSSES FINGERS*. Failing that then you're going to have to try and get Kodak to refund you which I assume will be next to impossible :(

If you are stuck with dealing with Kodak then I suggest Googling the model number of the printer with your issue and see what comes up. If it is a very well known (inherent) fault it could give you the leverage you need for a refund.

Hope this helps xx
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You bought the printer from QVC, they took your money and the contract is with them to supply you with goods fit for the purpose. That has not happened and it's immaterial that Kodak now have the faulty printer back, it's QVC's responibilty to sort that out with them. Don't take any bollox from them.
I purchased my Kodak printer from PC World (before QVC started stocking Kodak), I had lots of "issues" with it that Kodak couldn't/didn't/wouldn't rectify. Kodak printers (in my experience anyway) are the biggest load of rubbish out there. If you can get a refund off of QVC then I would do so & really quickly. The head on them is a complete waste of time & Kodak charge £25.00 a pop every time you need a new one! The so called "cheap" ink is a laugh, most of my cartridges were used by Kodak trying to sort my printer out - which they couldn't & no, neither Kodak or PC World would refund me for it.
Sorry but i have to agree Kodak printers are pretty dire - probably why QVC are flogging them.
Hp printers are better but cost a fortune in inks.

I would recommend an Epson printer that you can get cheap replacement inks for a pound or two on Ebay.
As for the kodak just contact customer service and say you want to return as it is faulty and ask for a full refund.
Also get your original postage back and ask for a prepaid postgae label or for them to collect.
Just another thought Vikki, if you do get the run around by either QVC or Kodak instigate a chargeback claim with your cc company and get your money back that way. You can also use this for debit card payments although it is not widely advertised.
I had the same problem with the Kodak printer bought from QVC last year and I also had a replacement from Kodak! which had exactly the same faults as the one from QVC.

I rang QVC customer services (not mentioning the Kodak replacement) and they arranged to collect it and I recieved a full refund including P+P. They never queried the different serial number of the printer, so don't worry about it, they must know that these Kodak printers are rubbish and I am surprised to hear they are still selling that particular model.
Thank you for your advice, :sun:

QVC agreed to pick up no problem. Only thing is Kodak demanded the QVC invoice when the picked up the original. Will act ignorant and place membership details in the box. If there wasn't over £100 price difference between a fax printer and a non fax printer I wouldn't have bothered.

Thanks again


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