advice for daft problem!


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Jun 24, 2008
I have an upstairs attic bedroom with a velux window and sometimes it can feel very warm, so I like to sleep with the window partly open. The night before last I was woken in the night by a noise, I opened my eyes and saw big face looking at me! Talk about make me jump, thankfully I quickly realised that it was a cat, thankful not a fox, or worse still a human being! I looked out of the window and recognised him as the neighbourhood ginger Tom (I don't know who he belongs to btw). Ok, I could just let him wander in and out, but I have a couple of pet hamsters that I wouldn't want traumatised by this beast, one of the cages is in the hallway so I guess I could move it into another room at night and close the door, but it'd still be a bit of a pain.

Last night I went to bed, it was a bit warm again, so I opened the window and drifted off to sleep and sure enough I was woken again with a start and the blighter had come back again, I got up and he ran off and I shut the window and thankully managed to get back to sleep again. This must be his new "nightly route" -across the rooftops! Has anyone got any ideas as how to deter this beast? Because I can't be doing with getting woken up in the small hours with a start and possibly having trouble getting back to sleep again (especially when I'm working the next day) and risking the cat getting to my pets. I don't really want to have to sleep with a fan on or with the window closed unless I really have to!
A water pistol! Works to get the cat that owns me out of places I don't want him to be!
A water pistol! Works to get the cat that owns me out of places I don't want him to be![/QUOTE

You never know I guess, if i'm a good enough shot then he might not bother to come back again, but knowing my luck I'll end up soaking the bed covers and nothing else!
Big problem with all animals is breaking a routine and unfortunately that is what your window route has become.

Quite how you break the routine is another story, sorry.

Ps I do love moggies and find it very hard not to forgive them. Whilst I would NEVER hurt an animal the constant barking/wailing dogs around where I live drives me mad, but it is the owners, not the dogs, I want to so something unspeakable to.

And don't get me started on dog poo
You can get cat repellers which are little battery powered boxes, not much bigger than a cig packet and they screw to walls, fences and I should imagine to window frames or a roof, they also come with a stake so they can be stood in flowerbeds or on lawns. They emit a high frequency noise which humans cannot hear and are motion activated so as soon as moggy goes near the window his ears will associate the unpleasant noise to him being near the window. They`re waterproof, won`t hurt the cat and have various settings for cats, dogs, foxes, squirrels, badgers and so on. My brother used them to keep a badger out of his garden because it kept digging up patches of his lawn. Amazon sell them for around £15.

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