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Jun 26, 2008
I've not seen her for a while on the Cook's Essentials show, her screechy voice got on my nerves anyway. I prefer the new chap - Simon Brown ?. Is he Ant's younger brother ?

I still don't like the food they cook to demonstrate the pans etc, too much greasy meat, and who cooks nachos in the oven until they are dark brown ?Still, who am I to criticise, certainly no cordon bleu !

Not seen any grip-to-me's for a while either - I should imagine every wardrobe in the land is bursting with them.

Linda :hi:
Hehe! Adrienne used to make me switch off. Her naggy, screechy voice and bossy manner wasn't very watchable imho so I'm glad she's not on anymore. They probably do the greasy food so it definitely won't stick lol!
I wondered if she was ill - last time the grip-to-me hangers were on she didn't seem quite 'with it' I thought? Not her usual loud over-enthusiastic self at all, took her a while to get going & she seemed only half there!
Not seen any grip-to-me's for a while either - I should imagine every wardrobe in the land is bursting with them.

Linda :hi:

I fancied some of those and asked my friend to have a look in Warrington (always like a bargain) but they didn't have any.
Sure she is a lovely person, but as a demonstrator she is a disaster, got herself into such muddles, but feel sorry for her if they have dropped her.

I think Simon is brilliant, it cannot be easy to present I think it was 4 hours over the weekend, of , Saucepans! Things must be desperate at the QVC canteen if that is all they can find to flog.
I think it must be very hard work to prepare all those dishes, and he was slick and explained things well, but in the end, it is just a saucepan in various shapes and sizes.
Well she's back with the space saver bags. Looking a bit like that lady in Benidorm (the one who looks a bit like AK!).
I think it must be very hard work to prepare all those dishes, and he was slick and explained things well, but in the end, it is just a saucepan in various shapes and sizes.

i dont think the guest preps the dishes, i'm sure ive heard or read that they have home economists (i.e cooks and bottle washers) who do all the prep.
I've not seen her for a while on the Cook's Essentials show, her screechy voice got on my nerves anyway. I prefer the new chap - Simon Brown ?. Is he Ant's younger brother ?

Linda :hi:

wow i dont think anthony would thank you for that.. simon brown must be pushing 50!
I fancied some of those and asked my friend to have a look in Warrington (always like a bargain) but they didn't have any.

I know we aren't supposed to be encouraging each other to spend money, but 'grip to me's are very good. One of my better purchases.
I was watching Anthony and Simon together a couple of weeks ago and Anthony commented that they used to share a flat together when they worked together on another shopping channel. Not brothers then. x

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