Mrs James
aka bella battenburg

surely not just 'any''d have to be a 'special' wardrobe :32:
Ooh - me likey. I can often be seen nipping out in me jim-jams, so why not a nightie when I need to give me nethers an airing. <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="" border="0"><img border="0" src=""></a>
surely not just 'any''d have to be a 'special' wardrobe :32:
I am at a loss as to how and why my picture keeps ending up on the internet.
Actually, its great if you're holding a 70's cocktail party/dinner party. Imagine sashaying through the dining room door with a martini in one hand and your Deviled eggs in the other. The guests would be mesmorised.
it's now or nether
give it to me
delicious kaftan
from idealleeee
What I'd like to know is,:33:apart from Jamesy who wears sandals with their nightie? :22:
I'm suffering deja vu - I'm sure i've seen that pic before on here :11::11:
Still, it's ideal to wear with a trendy pair of mules while wrestling with your karcher after your flymo has thoughtlessly deposited all over the block paving...
Yep, it's been on good, it's worth a second showing :31:
Thanks for confirming that Momma
I'm glad I'm not totally off me trolley then!!
oh :31: i thought i'd found a new delight
oh :31: i thought i'd found a new delight