Sorry for spelling mistake. I overheard on the bus that the staff had to go through every tilly box as one item was out of date. The lady said what a bloody job. She was glad to be getting home. You couldn't help but hear as bus was empty and she spoke loudly. Just check all your tilly items x
I hope her Mum is OK. I wish Catherine and her family well. You never know what anyone is going through. You think you're the only one with things going on and you're not ❤❤❤
I haven't watched Dawn for the last 6 to 8 months on c/c. Is she still with Al and is Helen still working with her. I looked her up on Instagram and it said she was on her own on new year. Just being nosey, thanks
I don't know. But I wouldn't have this done because of what she has been through. If she does it to keep her job I think that's wrong in my opinion. Ali has been through enough without having fillers. This is my opinion ONLY xx
I love Jill, no ipad stuck to her. I find her no hard sell like flint. I think from what I hear from her on TV. She has a big heart. Charlie said many yrs ago she is a godparent to one of his children. He said she is so kind and thoughtful. I know everyone doesn't agree with me. My opinion only xx
I am in no way being nasty to anyone. Q have a massive beauty department. Who do you think out of the presenters use if any, fillers or botox? I have nothing against anyone using them.
What is the best skincare to use. If so what ones? My Daughter and I have beauty/skincare stashs. Just advice...